🐱The begining of the end🐸

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The path to the next room was long, but Yosuke and I toughed it out.
We open the door to find a relatively large shadow standing in the center of the room.
I unsheathed my sword as Yosuke takes out his ku-ni knifes and we prepare for battle.
The fight was easy and we stood to catch our breath as the shadow started to fade away.

Yosuke walked over and patted me on the back,

"Well done partner!"

He said with one of those outrageously cute smiles of his.

*he really needs to stop being so cute*

I thought as I turned my blushing face to him.

My eyes went wide at what I saw.
Yosuke had a surprised look on his face as he looked down to his chest, blood dripping from his mouth.
He had three spears shoved through his back, extending out through his chest.
I could hear Rise scream for someone to go and help us as I took Yosuke off the spikes.

His eyes were tearful as he looked up at me while I held him.

"I-I don't wanna die p-partner.."

He said as a lone tear ran down his cheek.

"Y-you won't die Yosuke, ok, just hang in there, Yukiko Is on her way."

I said as I took his hand, my face full of worry and sorrow.

"H-hey.... before I d-die.... I wanna tell you something..."

Yosuke said as his breaths started to be less frequent.

"No, shut up, you won't die, I won't let you die."

I said as I squeezed his hand.
He chuckled lightly, breathlessly, and used the rest his strength to lift himself up and place a kiss on my lips.

"I-I love y-you.... Yu...."

Those were his last words as his chest rose and fell for the last time.


I herd running footsteps as the rest of the team entered the room.

"Look! There they are!"

I herd someone say, but I couldn't care less who said it.
I tightened my grip on Yosukes lifeless body as someone, Chie I think, walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder.


She said as she looked at Yosuke, then me.

Her eyes welled with tears as she noticed Yosuke wasn't breathing.
She fell to her knees as she put her face in her hands, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Sensei! Is Yosuke all....."

I herd Teddie trail off as he looked at Yosuke held tightly in my arms.
I never lifted my head to see the overwhelming pain in his eyes, the only thing I could look at was Yosukes lifeless ones.

They all stood there as I held Yosuke tightly.

Soon I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

I looked up slightly and saw Naoto's hand.

"Come on Senpai, let's go."

I reluctantly got up but continued to hold onto Yosuke.

We all walked to the entrance and I was about to walk through with Yosuke when Teddie grabbed my leg.
I looked at him and saw his face full of sadness as he shook his head from side to side.

"We can't bring him with us Sensei."

I Looked at him in shock as he pointed to Yosukes face.

"Look at his eyes."

He said in a weak tone.
I did as he said and saw that Yosukes eyes had become the same yellow color as a shadows.

"He's part of the TV world now, and he can't leave."

I looked at Teddie as tears started to well up in his eyes once more.
I nodded and laid Yosukes body down on the ground next to the exit.
I grabbed his headphones and phone before I left.

Once we were back at Junes, I handed Teddie Yosukes phone.

Before he could ask any questions, I put Yosukes headphones around my neck and walked out of the store.

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