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so i'll be taking a break,

recently a friend, classmate and my brother from another mother passed away from suicide.

him and I were best friends we both were sad depressed souls and realized that we only can help each other.

there were so many times where we were pushed in the edge but managed to pull each other away from that edge

but yesterday i couldnt.

his mom contacted me and told me her son has hanged himself and as well as cutting his wrist

he left a note for the people he loved the most and one of the letters were for me,

he told me he loved me more than a friend and always wanted to be, but he was too scared he was not good enough. he told me that every time he was depressed and the reasons he gave for me was all a lie the truth is, is that it was because of me.

he felt depressed whenever i was close to someone when i only saw him as a friend whenever i rejected his offers whenever i put him to the side

but he would always forgive me and said he will always. but yesterday he was too sad too lonely and saw how evil and rotten this cruel world was and he wanted to leave

i don't want to mention anything else he said for respect and for love but its just too much for me to even handle

i need to take a break and heal myself because he was one of the few people who helped me through life

so i'll be taking a break and i apologize

-with love seria.

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