What Am I

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Ella's POV

I wake up in a cage. Don't ask me how I got there because I have no idea. I look at my surroundings and I notice my eye sight is different colors almost like purple or thermal sort of look. It was cool. I saw some movement to my left so I go as far as the cage would let me. It was something but whatever it was it was behind a wall where I couldn't see it. I know it was probably stupid but I sniff the air trying to get a scent. I caught something, it smelled like the forest. That's weird and then it steps out. It's the black wolf. Isaac. Has he been watching me this whole entire time? He is such a stalker.

' Ella, you survived.' He mind-linked me.

I didn't want to talk to him but I had to ' what do you mean " survived" '

He looked confused then worried ' Um..... Look at your reflection '

I didn't know what he ment until he motioned toward the water bowl. Really a bowl why not a bottle? I walked over and looked down at my reflection and gasped. Looking back at me with bright blue eyes was a white she wolf. I turned and looked at myself and saw I was in fact a she wolf. I had a tail, paws, and well what a wolf should have. I came back to my senses and looked at issac.

Mind-linked conversation

' What did you do to me!' I yelled

' I'm sorry Ella but I had to you was human and we couldn't of been together. My wolf took control and it was to late when I gain control back. Can you forgive me?' He begged.

i was so angry with him because he couldn't at least asked permission or control his "wolf" as he says.

Conversation with inner wolf

* don't be so hard on him* the voice I heard before said

' one who are you again and two why not' I asked getting even angrier.

* okay one I'm your inner wolf which means I'm your other half pretty much and I'm the wolf and two your a werewolf for crying out loud how cool is that and also he's your mate which means you can't live without him or you'll go crazy what ever you feel he feels and vi versa.*

' what's your name' I asked getting curious.

* K'tanqui (pronounced K- knock- e) * she said

' I thought about this and finally I accepted all that has happened.

end of conversation with the inner wolf and back to Isaac

' fine I forgive you' I told him

Relief flooded his face ' thank you ' he said

But I remembered Im Still in the cage ' um Isaac can you get me out of here ' I said referring to the cage.

he understood ' yeah hold on a second' he then walked out of my sight for a couple of seconds and came back in his human form the same one that was in the woods. He also had some keys. He unlocked the door and opened it. I walked out feeling a little bit more free.

"Now just focus on becoming your human form it will hurt but don't fight the pain because if you do it will....um," he started tearing up," it will kill you" he managed to say.

'ok then no pressure' I thought to myself. Here I go. I focused on me. My human form, my hair, eyes, face, hands, feet, legs, every little detail. A sharp pain went through me. I yelped.

" Come on your almost there just a little more!" Isaac keep saying.

I wanted to give up and stop so bad but Isaac's voice kept me going. Until I just felt weak. Isaac put a light sheet over me and kept repeating 'good job you did it good job'. I looked down and saw I was human. I looked up in Isaac's eyes. And whispered,

" I did it."

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