ten years before.

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"SHIT." NINI CURSES under her breath as she rushes to pull her shoes on her feet.

sprinting down the stairs and nearing the front door her mom calls out, "nini, you really need to stop staying up so late. it's becoming a bad habit. do you want me to drive you?"

"nope! i'm okay mom. i'll walk. see ya!" 

"if you say so, neens. have a great first day!"

stuffing her macbook, notes and lunch into her bag, her eyes revert to a pastel pink envelope on the ground, sealed with a heart sticker. curious, she picks it up.

"addressed to nini salazar roberts...huh. it doesn't say who it's from." she mutters to herself, about to open the envelope until she receives a message from kourtney, telling her to "hurry up and get your ass to school".


nini breathes a sigh of relief as she arrives just as the bell rings, cutting it close. walking to her locker, she meets with a distraught kourtney, frantically waving towards the girl, "jesus neens. there you are. i thought i was gonna have to survive the first day of school without you, i do NOT want to deal with big red and ej all by myself. you really need to stop staying up so late. it's becoming a bad habit."

"no because that's exactly what my mom said." the brunette groaned at her best friend.

"well, did she lie??"


"exactly- ooh look at the dude in front of us. he's kind've cute. haven't seen him around before. reckon he's new?" kourt points to a quite flustered looking curly haired boy who was a few feet in front of them.

nini chuckles at the sight of him. he was holding a guitar case in one hand and a piece of paper - probably his schedule, in the other hand.

he looked familiar to her. she just couldn't seem to wrap her head around it.

continuing to zone out she accidentally bumps into him.


"mother fu-" nini mutters as she lands on the ground with her books scattered on the ground.

"oh shi- i mean, im so so sorry. let me help you there." the guy says as he grabs her hand, helping her back to her feet.

"no, no it's okay, i wasn't looking where i was going and i bumped into you and-" she makes full eye contact with him and pauses. seeing his face more close up, he really did look familiar.

he looks at her with a puzzled look on his face. but then he breaks the eye contact.

"oh um..yeah sorry about..that but um do you know where room 207 is?"

"yeh. that's our homeroom." she gestures to herself and kourtney while her mouth is just shaped like an "o".

"oh sick.. can i walk with you guys..i don't really know where to go. im new, if you didn't know."

"oh uh sure. you can walk with us, its chill hahah."

nini mentally slaps herself. it's chill?? are you kidding?? what the fuck is chill.

as the three start walking to class, kourtney nudges her best friend in the, "girl, youre going red..i can't believe you did that oh my god." she half whispered-half screamed.

"right. i can't believe i said the word chill. the fuck am i? a frat boy?" nini shook her head.

"no, dumbass. i meant that you got a cute ass guy to walk with you to class, and you don't even know his name ms girl!"

wondering , rini (discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon