Part 4

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Your POV- I run my hands through his white hair as I kiss him more- faster.
He moans and slides his fingers slightly up my shirt.
Souls POV- I put my hands in her shirt- should I unstrap her bra? Or would that be too perverted for y/n? Well, it's worth the risk.

Your POV- he slides his hands more up my back, and I back away. "Soul, I think you're taking this too fast." I say. "Oh, dinners ready."
Souls POV- so much for taking risks.
Your POV- I was practically making out with soul so long I burnt the food! It was black and burnt, at least it wasn't on fire. "Soul! I-I accidentally burned the food... I don't have anything left to eat.. It's getting pretty late.... Maybe you should go" He smirks at me. "Why should I leave when I can show you a good time? How about we invite everyone over for a little- 7 minutes in heaven?" I grin.

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