Wheels on the bus

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I stared out of the window, rain splattering against the glass as my breath fogged over the surface. I blinked and looked to the driver, who as if on cue yelled out,
"5 more minutes!". Five more minutes until I arrived at the place where my behaviour would be corrected, I would form amazing friendships and see the error of my ways. I scoffed out loud, remembering the pamphlet advertising the schools introductory paragraph. "Who would pick up this piece of junk", I had thought to myself. My mum and dad did. A final resort, a desperate attempt for them to steer me in the "right direction". But no ladder is long enough to get me out of my pit I live in now. I steal, murder and terrorise all over. I did. But then I got caught. Screw authorities. Fuck them.

The gates to the school were high - to high to climb. Rolling my blue eyes, I shouldered my bag and sauntered to the reception, pushing the glass doors back and stepping into the warmth. A shrill, overly cheerful lady spoke,

"Hello! You must be Astrid Cooper! Heres your timetable,room Number and keys! Pop down here if you need anymore help!". I scowled at the friendliness and headed over to the dorm block. I had already memorized a map of the school, something I had done many times before when stealing out of malls or large supermarkets. After all, I didnt want to look weak in front of the others. Once they found out who I was, I hoped to actually gain some of my old status back, but I had to earn respect. Best way to do that? Challenge the baddest one here. Rivalry got me far throughout my school life.

The dorm was bland and boring - I had spray paints in my bag, hidden, so I would decorate later. There were two beds and I bagged the one nearest to the door. If I were sneaking in or out, a quick place to hide or fake sleep was vital and i didnt want to leap onto a  sleeping girls body, personally. I was unpacking some  stuff when the door banged open and I spun round, my face expressionless. A boy was standing in the doorway.
"Mate, you have the wrong room." I said, turning back around and beginning to organise my art stuff in the desk. I didnt sense him leave.
"Nah, girly, but you have it wrong. I am never wrong. So scoot your ass out the door." He replied, and I saw a smirk play at his lips before returning icy cold. Scoffing, I pretended to wipe fake tears of laughter out of my eyes and smirked back when he realised I wasnt moving. Suddenly, a man arrived behind Mr. I-own-this-room-so-get-out-girly and smiled at us.
"Not fighting on the first day, I hope?" The boy scowled again. "You two will be sharing a room seeing as both of you are dangerous, and we dont want you with the others." I was about to say something witty back when I realised this was permanent. No changing.
"Sorry mate, but putting two dangerous people together wont work.... who made this plan?" I grin, shaking my head. Good prank. The guy doesnt move.
"You two are sharing. And we are not joking." He turned on his heel and left, leaving me to hiss and turn away from the boy. I hear the door swing shut and footsteps heading to the other bed, meaning he didnt decide to leave. Shit.
"What are you in for?" I say, not looking up but continuing to unpack.
"Murder." He mutters, then falls silent once more. Finishing with my suitcase, I perch on the bed.

"Same as you, really. Bit of drug usage and dealing, even did some vandalism myself." I  reply, also sitting and fiddling with a rubix cube.

"I was arrested when they found me holding the gun that killed the chief of police. Most satisfying trigger I've ever pulled, though. 16 murders in total. Must say, im proud."

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