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"Wanna play 20 questions?" I ask looking up from my fith rubix cube. I collect them.

"Why? To be honest, I dont really want to share stuff with you." He replies, not looking up from the phone. Big oof.

I asked the first question despite his negative reply.
"Ok, what's your favourite gun?"
"R16. Nice click of the trigger, expensive and easy to steal and carry." He answers without hesitation, grinning before turning back to his default face.

"ok, my question.  Do you drink?"

"I did."

After the game of an extremely tame 20 questions, the dinner bell rings and I look to the boy.

"By the way, the names Astrid Cooper." I say, tying my hair into a ponytail and pulling on a jacket. He murmurs his name, barely audible above the loud rush of kids outside.

"Aiden Southwaters. Nice to meet you, Astrid Cooper. Now, let's eat."

He strides past me and I turn and lock the door. I run to catch up with him and he doesnt look down at my arrival. Agin, I see him smile softly at my presence but disappear quickly.

The doors of the hall come into view.We push the doors open.

The hall is quiet as soon as the doors reveal our faces. I scan the room, looking for a table that has the best company and Aiden does the same, both of seperating and walking through the crowds. We are both striding with the same intensity that is making people shut up and look. That's what I want.

The table has 4 girls and one boy all sitting, and as I come I slide into the seat next to a blue haired girl.
"Mind if I sit here?" I say, smiling kindly. She smiles back and nods, and I look at her friends as they introduce themselves.

"I'm Kane" says the blonde haired boy.

"Kat!" adds a strawberry blonde girl, waving at me and smiling.

"Lexie"the other girl mutters, pushing food around her plate but still giving me a small smile and a wave.

"Tyrina, but call me Rina" nods the brown haired girl, grinning.

"And I am Alex, nice to meet you. What's your name?" My neighbour asks, chewing on some food. I grab a fork and reply,

"Astrid!",  Before reaching for  a plate from the middle of the table and shovelling sausage I tk my mouth. I am sure we will be friends. I hope. I see Aiden across the room, silently wating around a group of rowdy boys.

For the whole dinner, I couldn't shake that thought that these people who were eating and laughing actually committed serious crimes and were in a high security "school". And here I was, for murder and countless other crimes. Weird.

After the dinner, we headed back to the rooms and got notified that lights out was at 9, meaning I had an hour to get ready for glorious sleep. Aiden walked in as I was changing and about to walk to the shower. Strolling through the bedroom, he wriggled out his sweater and stole one of my rubicks cubes.

Aiden threw his clothes onto the ground (exactly what I did) and I rummage through my suitcase for my spray paints. Upon finding them, I carried all 20 of them to the wall that had no furniture near or resting against it and started a design, a geometric lion. I felt Aidens eyes watching me paint, but I was so absorbed I didnt care.

When it was lights out, i signed the art and stepped back. And hour put to good use. Aiden applauded, strolling over and inspecting the wall as I smiled at the work. He was captivated, it looked as if he had glued his eyes down.
"Well done, Cooper."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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