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JUNE TOOK ONE LOOK at Denji, slouched in the chair with crossed arms and one foot on the edge of the table, and sighed

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JUNE TOOK ONE LOOK at Denji, slouched in the chair with crossed arms and one foot on the edge of the table, and sighed. "Baby, your gremlin of a little sister is pouting again," she said over the ruckus of the tavern and to Leiko a few feet away.

Denji gaped at June. "Rude," she said.

June simply laughed, and flicked a strand of hair away when it fell too much in her face. "Aw, come on, it's a term of endearment."

Denji didn't say anything back, though she did mock the young woman under her breath, which in turn caused June to flip her off. Denji quickly returned the action just as Leiko walked up. The older sister ignored her girlfriend's and Denji's antics as she set three drinks down before pulling up an empty chair. Before she sat down in it backwards, she leaned down and kissed June. Denji wanted to tease them but elected not to, and instead reached for one of the cups.

"What'd you get me?" she asked, fingers about to wrap around one cup until Leiko slapped her hand. Denji yelped and pulled her hand back with a frown. "Hey!"

"I got you water," Leiko said. "No alcohol for you." She then slid the cup of water over to Denji while June took her own drink – the cup Denji originally tried to take – and leaned back, propping her feet on the table and crossing her legs.

Denji huffed. "Buzzkill." Still, she took the drink.

"See? Pouting," June said with a lazy motion toward the teenager.

Leiko chuckled. "Would it be my sister if she wasn't pouting?" she teased.

Denji rolled her eyes. "Both of you are insufferable and I hate you."

The couple simply laughed, and Denji couldn't help but smile. Despite her words and dramatics, she adored both Leiko and June to pieces. (Of course, at first, Denji hadn't been too fond of June all those years ago when she and Leiko became a couple, but things changed and now June's an honorary family member in the young girl's eyes). She would do anything for either of them, and she was also immensely grateful for them both. Without her sister, Denji would still be wandering around the Earth Kingdom, struggling to hide from Fire Nation soldiers that littered the land as they searched for the Black Dragon's youngest daughter. Leiko took in her little sister without question and June, after learning why, suddenly had an air of protectiveness over Denji. While simultaneously taking jobs for their bounty hunter business, both young women kept Denji from the Fire Nation's sights.

Denji took a sip of her water. Deep brown eyed landed on Leiko, who watched June with such a fond expression that it almost made Denji want to puke. June wasn't even doing anything. She was just retelling a story about her latest job, occasionally taking a sip of her beverage. Leiko has yet to drink hers, though. Too busy watching her girlfriend, finger idly tracing the rim of the cup. Denji decided to not tease Leiko at that moment, and let her sister make goo-goo eyes at June for the time being. With a quiet sigh, she looked away and took in the small tavern.

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