Hold me closer

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Tony's heart is racing as he tumbles through the kitchen. Not again, not again. He felt like everything was burning inside him. He could feel the sweat make its way down his face as he slowly forgot how to breathe

"Hey Sweetheart"

There the Golden haired boy stood in front of him with a worried face. Tony tried to speak  but felt as he couldn't. What was happening to him? He knew what the trigger was but he couldn't excape the feeling.

"Tony are you alright?"

As a tear made its way down his cheek his breathing got raspy. He pushed Steve out of his way with his shaking hands feeling the pain. He was reliving the worst time of his life all over again, the day he lost his freedom. He ran down to his lab trying to find a place to sit down, it was like the world was slowing down and everything echoed.

"Tony, You're  ok.. I'm here, you're safe" Steve said as he made his way behind Tony and then carefully catching him as he fell to the ground

"What's wrong? Catch your breath Baby.."

Tony wanted to respond but he felt like he was being choked. He didn't feel like he was in control of himself anymore. He felt trapped inside his mind. He slowly dug his face into Steve's chest and held onto his shirt tightly, Fuck, he wasn't sure what was happening but he knew why.

"Shhh.. It's Ok. Tony, look at me" Tony looked at Steve with red eyes from crying, trying to catch his breath.

"Hey, hey. You're safe, you're home. Remember? It's all in the past sweetheart. Follow my breathing alright?" Steve held him closer to his chest rubbing his back trying to keep him calm.





Tony started to feel safe again. He remembered that he was home and nobody would hurt him. "There we go Baby.. Was it the light again?" Steve said carefully remembering the red neon light in the corner of the bedroom. Tony nodded slowly as he crawled onto Steve's waist letting his head rest on Steve's sholder. Steve stood up carefully kissing Tony on the head and heading over to the living room. "F.R.I.D.A.Y please turn off the lamp.

Tony had been Having panic attacks whenever he saw a red light because it reminded him of Pepper. Pepper had been murdered in front of him in a red room. Sometimes he gets dreams of it, he shouts Pepper's name trying to save her. Yet he failed. He never forgave himself for it although he tells himself it wasn't his fault.

"I could've stopped it. She would still be here if it wasn't for me" Tony muttered under his breath as he played with Steve's fingers as they sat on the couch half asleep.

"There is nothing You could've done, It isn't your fault and You know that deep in your heart." Steve said  half asleep feeling sorry for Tony's dark past.

"Now please go to sleep or I'll take away the coffee machine." Steve said with a grin on his face as he closed his eyes.

"You would never." Tony said before laying his head on Steve's lap and closing his eyes.

"I love you Grumpy."

"I love you too" Tony said before falling asleep.

(I have no Idea how I came up with this But I kinda like it. Anyways I was kinda asleep so I'm sorry if there are Grammar or spelling mistakes)

574 words

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