Let's Get some stuff straight

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Aight first here's your character (stuff in parenthesis is if you want a more concrete design)

Name: Y/n L/n (if not having a set name annoys you I like to imagine it's Yin Lin)

Loves: sweets, playing around, Monsters from stories, being able to relax, joking around

Hates: Swimming, Crying, Incredibly spicy food, the color brown for no particular reason

Physical characteristics:

Hair Color- F/c into Sf/c (black into white like haise sasaki if you can't decide)

Eye color- Yellow

Height: 5"8'

Right handed


Born with mutation that doesn't limit your max strength (like Shizuo from Durarara but less strong)

Static Curse (to be revealed)

An insanely fast learner 

Incredible sense of touch (can feel grooves in objects easier, as well as if someones lying or their true intentions via touch)

some cool ass speed and flexibility like inosuke or berserker from the fate series

Devil Breathing (to be revealed)

Festival of Polyglottos (to be revealed)

Yeah these may seem over powered but trust me they feed into eachother, and I'm not gonna make you super op, cause wheres the fun in that.

Final Notes:

Regarding the devil breathing some of its attacks will have characteristics that don't seem very demonic. For example Second form will be called Dragon Claw (fun reference). Not a very demonic quality right? This is because in the world of demon slayer you have humans and demons, there are legends sure but nothing concrete, so no monsters. Even Demons in this universe are canonically explained through science and have a theme of science going too far. And since demons can take the from of whatever they want it wouldn't be wrong to say that things like dragons, ogres, giant snakes, etc. couldn't be a characteristic of a demon. Also Demons and monsters in japan, from what I've seen, are pretty interchangeable. 

Also Imma try incorporate more science into this and try to explain less through magic. Like how being a demon is more of a disease that mutates the body than a curse, though blood demon arts and curses are still a mystery as far as I'm concerned. 

For relationships we have the possible options of ...

Like I'm really gonna say just read and find out and maybe be surprised (could be 1, 2 all or none), but ill go ahead and throw out a few notable characters: 

Like I'm really gonna say just read and find out and maybe be surprised (could be 1, 2 all or none), but ill go ahead and throw out a few notable characters: 

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Total Concentration: Devil Breathing (M!reader x demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now