Projectile Vomiting Death

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Just a quick PSA this chapter is I believe to be the longest yet and has undergone significant changes in regards to the ending.

Your Pov

The night presented within itself the opportunity of escape and it was one that you were in desperate need of. Having never gone to bed, I crept out of your futon, cautious to not rattle the chains around my ankles. The hardest part in forming this plan had been figuring out how to break the chains without causing any noise and then moving with them to get out this place. In all honesty I was just gonna wing the rest and hope for the best.

Eventually I just went with the tried and true method of snapping the chain and praying it's silent. Carefully and silently I covered the chains with the futon so as to dampen the noise a bit.

"Alright then, deep breaths," I chanted to myself. "One...two..."

"JESUS FUCK!" I nearly jumped out of my skin. A few meters away there was a wood pecker pecking on of the beams. "god I feel like a child sneaking around the house after bed time" I complained to myself a bit embarassed.

"Alright one...two...THREE!" The chain snapped at one of it's ends and I nearly fell back from the ease of it all. "Niiice" I grinned, assuming the eyes on me were those of the bird. Opening the door far louder than I had intended it to, I hurriedly made my way quickly to the storeroom to find my belongings.



"Ughh what could that be at this hour!?" I groaned. I felt so warm and comfortable I nearly convinced myself I had imagined the sound just to stay in bed a bit longer. It was the second, grinding, sound that got me out of bed and through the door. Lady kocho had gone out last minute to help an injured demon slayer who'd fallen ill from some sort of strange poison, so it should just be me, the girls, and F/n here.

 Working the knots out of my hair, I stepped into the cold hallway. What could have made that sound? Everyone was sound asleep and the wisteria trees keep us safe from intruders at night. And, of course, no thief in his right mind would try to break into here. "Hmmm", what could I say my curiosity was peaked.

Making my way through the mansions dark hallways, I came upon the door leading from the main hall to the outside. It looked as if someone broke it (more like tore it apart) trying to open it too hard... Hmmm... Now who could have done this. It would have had to have been someone strong who was trying to leave in a hurry...

"I'm gonna kill him" I decided as I went around looking for F/n. He couldn't have been far by now, especially if he was trying (and failing) to be quiet. "I mean come on after everything we've done for him did he really have to try and escape! Even if he was afraid for his life, this is only gonna make his case worse! When I find him I'm gonna make falling off that mountain look like a joke!" I grumbled, marching through the darkness.

A rustling in the pantry grabbed my attention. It sounded like someone was chewing on something. "Is he really gonna steal our food before he leaves!" I furiously threw open the door "JUST WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" I yelled as not f/n looked back at me. 

I gasped and froze at the horrid sight before me. It's flesh appeared to be rotting and it's legs looked like they had melted. The worst part by far was the rancid smell. As if some vomited their own burnt hair and maggots, It was pungent enough to immediately bring tears to my eyes. I would have thrown up right there on the floor if my terror hadn't kept the bile at bay. Shakily, I tried taking a step back as the demon attempted to speak through the missing arm of whoever was unfortunate enough to want a midnight snack. I crept backwards into the hallway, I even tried closing the door thinking that by some miracle it would keep the demon at bay. Out of sight out of mind, right?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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