Beautiful Dancer

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She walked so gracefully it seemed she was walking on clouds. 

Her nose was a dew drop, dainty and petite, her lips were rose petals, bright red, soft and delicate. 

The world stood still as she twirled and danced, and her golden hair that flowed around her in loops danced along with her.

 her song was sweet and airy, filling their hearts with joy that had been once lost to a rainy day. 

When she smiled it was sunshine, soft, warm and bright, and as she walked through the streets it seemed to light up the world around her. 

But her laugh, it was the sound of birds singing and bells ringing, it sounded out and you could not help but stop and listen to the joyous melody. 

Her eyes twinkled playfully, they were sapphires in a moonlit cave, they were bright, kind, and loving...

 A love that engulfed her entire self, love that warmed her heart and every part of her body. 

Her skin glowed, she was a star lighting up the night sky and her figure was that of a delicate young willow. 

She was beauty itself, she was light and air, and everything good in the world wrapped into one beautiful being.

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