Prescott【James x Charlie】[18+]

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A cold breeze blew through the holes of James' mask, freezing his skin as he crouched among his group in silence.

They called themselves Whisperers. Together, they had all learned to live among walkers. Now they were preparing an attack on a small town named Prescott. They were just waiting for the right time to strike.

It was nothing new to James - attacking and slaughtering innocent survivors for no reason other than that's what their leader instructed them to do. It happened so often that James was numb to it. He didn't feel any sympathy, any remorse.

He turned his head slightly to the side, facing another one of the groups members and narrowing his eyes slightly towards them as they started talking.

"Uh... m-maybe this isn't a good idea." The younger boy quietly spoke up. A large sum of the group turned their attention to him, watching him put his weapon away. "W-We shouldn't be doing this. Those people are like us... just on a different path." He tried to reason.

James had heard enough. He shuffled his way closer to the boy and grabbed him by the hair, slitting his throat without so much as a second thought. He watched the boy bleed out and eventually fall to the floor, lifeless. His eyes, they looked like someone had just blew a candle out.

James retreated back to his previous spot and continued on as if nothing ever happened. As if he hadn't just murdered a man on his own team. He didn't care. He didn't consider what the boy was thinking or what he felt. He didn't even know his name. All he knew was that someone like that was only going to slow them down, and that was enough of a reason for him.

James' boyfriend, Charlie, was just as twisted and brainwashed as he was. He could tell when he looked over at him, seeing the smile across his face. This made James smile too. He knew this attack was going to go well now that the nuisance of a boy was out of the picture. He was weak, he was going to ruin everything. James was convinced he had done the right thing.

"Now." James lifted his head once he heard their alpha's instructions. He moved with the rest of the group as they all kept their heads low, going around the back where the town had less defences.

They approached a wall at the back of the town and all boosted each other over it. Soon the whole group was within Prescott's walls, and they off to proceed with their plan.

James watched as Charlie snuck up behind a man, grabbing him and silently slitting his throat without alerting anyone else. James smirked, impressed.

James watched a couple others do a similar thing to Charlie, before he eventually found his own victim and slaughtered them in a similar fashion.

Within the hour, the entire town of Prescott was wiped out. The Whisperers made their way around town, stealing whatever supplies they could find and quickly making themselves at home.

James watched Charlie enter a building and smiled to himself, following after him and removing his mask. He set it down on a nearby desk once he was inside and stretched his arms.

"You did pretty good out there." He said to him. Charlie removed his mask also and tossed it to the side, flopping down onto an old, squeaky bed that was in the room.

He smiled, "so did you." He hummed, sitting back up. "That stupid kid. The way you shut him up..." he trailed off and stood up, approaching James and resting his hands on his shoulders. "It was pretty hot." He mumbled, lightly pecking James' lips.

James smirked and put his hands around Charlie's waist. "Mmh. Yeah?" He backed him up a bit until he was laid back on the bed again, James hovering over him.

"I did what I had to... for the group." He whispered, his eyes scanning Charlie's face.

"I know." Charlie mumbled and looked away from him, chuckling softly to himself, "... my dick was goin' crazy though, believe me. I kept thinking about you doing that to me."

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