That night

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I look at Courtney and smile.

"What," she asks.

"You look beautiful," I murmer.

"Thanks. I'm hungry," Courtney says getting up.

"Okay, just leave me he.....," I start and see a black valvet box.

She was going to propose. She looks at the box and puts it in her purse.

"You were going to propose," I say looking at her.

"Yeah," she says looking down.

"Wow," I whisper to myself and she walks out of the room.

"I need some time alone," she says walking out.

She was going to propose and I ruined it. I walk into the kitchen and start making chicken. I look out the window and see Courtney on the phone.


Courtney called me and sounded upset. I pull up to the house and see her in the front yard.

"He broke it off 4 hours ago and I said I would stay the night. I........ I cant," she says.

"Put the rest of your stuff in your car, eat dinner, then tonight you can come home with me," I say.

"Thanks Luke," she says hugging me.

"Courtney, the foods done," Chris calls.

"Okay," she says wiping the tears away.

We walk in and I shake Chris's hand.

"Chris, can we talk," Courtney asks.

"Yeah, sure," Chris says with his voice catching.


I pull Chris outside and he looks at me.

"I cant spend the night. It will just make me remeber every thing we went through. Ellen wants an update on us. When we go, we will announce our break up," I say tears dripping down my face.

"Okay," Chris says hugging me.

Luke lives with Mahogany and Katie. Luke is dating Katie and he doesn't know i'm moving there.

We walk back in and eat dinner. I stay quiet and so does Chris.

"Courtney, are you coming on tour with us," Brent asks.

"Don't think so," I say focusing on my plate.

"Okay," Brent replies.

I finish dinner and put my plate in the dish washer.

"Luke, I'll meet you at home," I say.

"What do you mean," he asks.

"I'm moving in with mahogany," I say grabing some boxes.

I pack the rest of the stuff in my car within 10 minutes and walk back in. I grab my purse and take out the box.

"I hope you can give this to the one, Chris," I say setting the box next to his plate.

"Don't leave me," he says.

"I need to," I say walking towards the door.

I walk out and get in my car. I drive to Mahogany's and knock on her door.

"Luke told me. Lets get the rest of your stuff in your room," Mahogany says.

I nod and we unload the boxes. I sigh and walk into my room. I set the last box down and sit in my chair. There's a knock on my door and I look.

"Court, I'm sorry," Shawn says.

"Does everyone know," I ask.

"No, Mahogany told me because I live here as well. If you need help unpacking, I will help," he says.

"I got it for now," I say and he nods.

I walk over to a box and open it, and see a picture of me and Chris. I fall to my knees crying. I sigh and get up. I wipe the tears away and put the picture aside. I go through the rest of the box and sighs. I look at the promise ring on my fingure and wipe away the tears.

"You promised," I whisper to my self before slidding the ring off.

I put the pictures of me and Christian on a shelf in the room.


I've never seen Chris so upset. He looks at the black velvet box Courtney placed next to his plate.

"I've got to go," Luke says.

"Okay," I say knowing Chris wont talk.

"Luke, wait. Give this back to Courtney," Chris says.

"Okay," Luke smiled.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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