Cheer up

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Ava thought about Talia and I. Ava hadn't spent quality time with us in quiet a while so this made her think a lot about Talia. Ava looked to the ground. Soon we got to Ava's place and she poured herself some tea and I made myself at home. Ava closed her door as her mind drifted in thought. I also had some questions on my mind.

I relaxed while looking at Ava. I waited till Ava finished her tea and then started speaking. Ava soon stopped and looked at me as quietness floated between us. Soon I spoke to Ava as I had something that I really needed to say as I wanted to know why Ava did want to hang out with me.

"Ava? It's really fun to hang out with you and all but what is the reason why you want to see me. You didn't just want to have tea right?" I said. Ava put her tea down. Ava looked at me.

"Why do you ask? There's no reason I just like spending time with you." Ava responded as she poured herself some more tea. I shrugged to myself. Ava took another sip and put her drink down. Ava became suspicious of my behavior.

"What's wrong Maritza? Your not yourself right now. You seem upset. Did something happen today?" Ava asked. I mentally cursed myself at letting Ava see me being down. I tried to make up an excuse to try and get Ava to stop questioning me. I wondered what was going to happen as I had several ideas on what Ava would do.

"Nothing....Nothing is wrong. I'm perfectly happy! See!" I exclaimed forcing a smile. Ava raised an eyebrow seeing right through me.

"No your not like yourself. I want you to cheer up." Ava said standing up from her seat. I scooted back up in her chair as she walked forward. I started to giggle as I genuinely started to smile for real this time. Ava was happy that she was cheering me up as she grinned while continuing to approach me.

"I said I'm fine!" I exclaimed giggling a little. Ava grinned and then pounced and tickled me. I started to laugh hysterically. Ava smiled as she tickled my belly. I got out of her grasp and ran up to her room giggling as I was cheered up.

Ava giggled and walked towards me. I giggled as I closed her door playfully. Ava smirked and knocked on the door as she planned to make me laugh. She knew clearly that she would be laughing as well because I was going to tickle back. She knew that she and I would enjoy a tickle fight.

Even though I was trying to run from Ava, I wanted to be tickled, so I hoped to be caught by Ava some time during my running from her, but I didn't show that though but it was no use as Ava knew that I did want to be tickled.

"Cmon Mari open up." Ava said. I couldn't stop giggling and dove under her covers to hide. Ava opened the door and looked around in a playful manner as she certainly knew where I was hiding.

"Show yourself so I can make it all better." Ava sang. I suppressed a giggle and Ava grinned. My breathing was excited and my giggles started to pour from me again. I tried to quiet myself but it was no use. I prepared to run.

"Did I hear something over hear?" Ava asked playfully. Ava approached the bed and removed the covers. I giggled and tried to scramble away. Ava smiled lovingly as I tried to escape. She closed the door and locked it. I turned to her.

I giggled and tried to evade her but Ava pounced me and started to tickle me. I laughed hysterically and tickled back. Ava started to laugh as well as we got into a tickle fight. I tried her best to overpower my friend and tickle her while Ava tickled me. Squeals and laughs came from both of us as we both tickled eachother.

I screamed with hysterics as Ava blew a raspberry on my stomach. I squealed with laughter as Ava continued to blow raspberries on me. I shook my head as I let out a constant stream of giggles. I took my hands to see where to tickle Ava.

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