Chapter 2 - Introduction

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The following morning Juliet would wake up in her bed suddenly sitting upwards her body greets her with immense pain and she would groan a bit, a knock would come at her door and she'd hesitantly answer "come in " the door would swing open and Sebastian would walk in holding a tray with a tea pot,cup and a saucer with a few biscuits in them "Morning miss Victoria had a good rest? " she'd examine the figure before her she'd never seen a butler in a hoodie before "oh excuse my clothing but I haven't worked for this family in years " she'd reply with a nod then ask "are you the glitch demon my dad was talking about " he'd smile "please miss Victoria call me Sebastian and yes I am " she'd let out a sigh of relief then smile " well Sebastian im Juliet " he'd place the tray on her lap "well im pleased to meet you miss Juliet " she'd pour the tea into the cup "just call me Juliet " he'd nod " if you insist well im gonna clean the mess up from yesterday finish your tea and get ready im gonna take you out a bit for some relaxation if you'd like " she'd look down then smile "ok I'd like that " Sebastian would exit the room and head downstairs too get rid of the bodies when he arrived he noticed Michael's body was gone "hmm I'll worry about that later " he'd hold his hand over the other two bodies then they'd start to glitch and finally disappear along with the blood. Back at the living room he'd sit down to think on what to wear then settled to a lumberjack button shirt with navy blue jeans and he'd mess with his hair a bit so it covered the left side of his face, meanwhile Juliet was busy taking a shower while thoroughly washing her flashbacks of yesterday hit her like a truck and she'd stare at her bruised body she'd let out a sigh turning the shower off she'd dry her hair , she'd put on a white t-shirt and some jeans and decided to let her hair hang loose. She'd go back downstairs where Sebastian is waiting for her smiling " you look beautiful " her face would light up with a little bit of red on her cheeks then smile "thank you, you look handsome yourself " he'd chuckle offering his arm to her "well i wouldn't go that far" she'd wrap her arm around his happily and head outside. Outside was an old mustang waiting for them and he'd open the passenger seat door for her and she'd get in he'd drive her to his café that he regularly visits there they had some tea and apple pie after that he took her too the cinema for a movie then too a local spa so that her body can unwind from the damage it took. Later after dinner he took her to the beach to watch the sunset while sitting on the bonnet of the car. Sebastian would look at her " you know since I'm here now I just want to let you know I'll protect you with my life " she'd smile after hearing those words " I know you will " she'd rest her head on his shoulder while watching the sunset she never felt this safe with someone in her intire life then she'd feel how he would wrap his one arm around her , she'd close her eyes thinking I wish this could stay like this forever.

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