One Direction dream pt 1

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So I was out with my friends and we did something that I was like "the last time I did this one direction was in my house"
Anyway, my friends decide that we need to go back to my house to get clothes or something so we head back and when I walked in my mom was standing there talking to One Direction. I internally freaked out but kept cool as I walked through the door to get my friends' stuff. I picked it up and brought it out to them, then said my mom needed me inside and I couldn't go back out. They were sad but got ready to leave anyway. I quickly pulled my best friend away and said, "you're coming with me" and we walked in the room. We're both HUGE fans so when she saw them she stopped dead in her tracks and then I said "keep moving act normal" and we went to my bedroom. I changed into something a bit nicer as did my best friend and we quickly talked through a plan. I walked downstairs with her following me and into the kitchen area. The boys were all just standing around and talking while my mom got started on dinner. I decided to greet the guests first. "Hi! I'm Ari. This is my friend Alex. I believe I already know who you all are!" I smiled and they laughed. Harry spoke up first; "hi love! I'm Harry, this is Liam, this is Niall, over here we have Zayn, and last but certainly not least we have Louis. The boys smile and wave to us as Harry says their name. "It's great to meet you!" I said. I then turn towards my mother and say hello. "Hi girls!"
Anyway, I immediately jump in conversation with Niall and Zayn, while Alex talks to Liam. I looked over and Louis and Harry were in their own little world, chatting and staring at each other. Harry leans in and whispers in my ear, "can I talk to you for a second Ari?" I reply with an okay and lead him upstairs into my bedroom. "What is it?" I ask. "I wanted to ask a few things. First off, Louis and I are in a relationship. We're also supposed to keep it secret from the public. I know you're a fan, but can I please have you and your friend's word that you won't tell anyone about what happens tonight? And would your mother be okay with it?" I thought for a few seconds. "Of course, I can keep it a secret. I am a huge fan to be honest and I also ship larry. (At this point he grins) I completely understand though and I nor my friend will tell anyone anything. And about my mom, sure. She's not going to get upset over that, I promise." "Okay! yay!" He smiles and blushes. "Buuuuut now I've got some questions.." I said. "For starters, you and Louis are adorable. First question is are you guys married? If so, how long?" He replied with "We aren't allowed to get married because of our contract but we are in our hearts and we'll be able to get married when we come out publicly." "Alright, that's so sweet! Now, are those matching tattoos planned?" "Yeah" he giggles. "And finally, how long have you loved Lou and what makes you love him?" "I have loved Lou since we peed on each other in the xfactor bathrooms. He is such a beautiful person, inside and out. He's so smart, smarter than I ever could be and he's kind and caring and protective and also really good at soccer and handling me." "Awe! Well, I'm glad you've found the one. Make sure you invite me to the wedding, I'll give you my address later for the invitation." He and I share a laugh. I get up and we go back downstairs where Louis is waiting. They've all moved to the couches and I go over and sit with Alex who's in between Zayn and Niall, with Liam to the left of Zayn and Louis on the other couch. I slide in on the end and Niall turns toward me. "Hi! Are are ya' doin?" He asks. "I'm doing extremely well, thanks! Truth be told it's really a dream come true to meet y'all." He puts his hand on my knee. "I'm glad! So, have you ever been to a show? We've come to this area once or twice." "Yeah, I went to see you on WWA tour but I got nosebleeds." "Well, if I can get your number I can hook you up with a few sets of tickets to our upcoming tour!" "Sure, thanks!" I give him my number.

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