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"Yes, from state farm." He replied.

She looked at him, and patted the seat next to her. He obliged and sat down.

"I didn't know you were taking classes here." Stella said. "How do you and Jamie know each other?"

"She's a part of the welcoming comittee, and I actually just enrolled here."

"Well, that would explain the accent." She replied.

"Yeah, is that like, British?" Sam joined in.

"No, it's actually Australian. "

"Ohhhhh!!! Well I want waffles, but 'ya know what? I CAN'T HAVE THEM BECAUSE IT'S LUNCH TIME, MOTHERFUCKER! LUNCH!" She shouted, making everybody else at the table laugh.

"Wow, ok, that was really random." He said, knitting his eyebrows.

"Well get used to it, motherfucker."

"Wow, ok, she says 'motherfucker' a lot." He said, looking at everybody else at the table.

"I've said it three times now, motherfucker. It's like me saying that you say 'wow, ok' a lot, motherfucker. That's four." She countered, putting her fork down.

Autumn high-fived her while looking at him, doing the duck face, and saying 'boom' like a boss. All of the girls had their own thing. Jamie, when angered, will say "Why don't you put a condom on your head so you look like a dick, too."

Samantha goes with something along the lines of "Oooh, take that, motherfucker."

While Marisa says "Don't eva, EVA talk to me again. "

Brenda doesn't really say anything, she just won't talk to you--like, ever again.

"Wow, o-"Luke stopped himself, and Samantha smirked.

"That's right, motherfucker. "



After the day had ended, they all went their seperate ways, each of them walking in a different direction.

Stella was walking, kicking rocks with her van-clad feet, when her name was called. She turned around, expecting Tom, but it was Riley.

"Hey, Stella, wait up!" He yelled, running after her.

Her and Riley and been talking for a couple weeks, and they had seemed to be getting closer.

She stopped and turned around while he caught up. When he did, they both walked in a somewhat comfortable silence for a while. He had his hands in his pockets, smiling. She couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach because he was smiling.

His short brown hair was in no particular style, but to Stella, it was perfect. She looked at him, admiring his profile until he noticed and looked at her, still smiling. She blushed, and looked away. His brown eyes twinkled with excitement as he took her hand and laced their fingers together. She looked at him again, a bit surprised, but she kept her hand entwined with his. They walked like that until they got to her apartment complex, where he came to a stop. They both waited outside, neither of them saying anything. Well, until Stella spoke up.

"Umm, thanks for walking me home."

"O-oh. No problem. I should walk you home everyday, but please don't think of me as a stalker!" He joked.

Stella laughed awkwardly. Silence overcame them once again.

"Well," she started, breaking the silence again, "Thanks again. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Ok," he sighed. She was about to open the door to the lobby, when he spoke up again. "Stella?"

"Huh?" She asked, turning her head to face him.

"I-uh...let me walk you inside?"

She giggled. "Sure."

They walked in, saying hi to Robert the grumpy receptionist. He looked kinda like Lewbert, from Icarly ( he acted like him too).

After a really awkward elevator ride, they were at her front door, she turned to him again. "Thanks, again." She smiled.

"You're welcome." He said.

She turned and was about to open the door, when he stopped her for the second time that day.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Would you maybe-uh- w-want to go out sometime? Like tomorrow night at 7?"

She bit her lip before responding, "Yeah, that'd be nice."

He breathed out.


"Yeah." She smiled.

"Wow, ok."

She couldn't help but think about today, when Luke said that exact same thing. She suddenly felt kinda guilty.

"At seven?" She asked, her eyes shimmering.

"Y-yes. Or whenever's convinient for you. It doesn't have to be at-"

"Seven's perfect." She said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed, and scratched the back of his neck. "I-I'll see you tomorrow. "

"Bye, Riley." She said, already opening the door.

She got in and shut it, leaning against it. She bit her lip, trying to prevent herself from smiling. It didn't work.

He was on the other side of the door, leaning against it as well. He could still feel the spot where she kissed him tingling. He didn't know what he was gonna do for the date, but he'd figured he had to hurry. He smiled and walked away, hands in his pockets.


Stella woke up the following morning feeling like a unicorn.

She hopped out of bed and jumped in the shower, singing 'Kick Me' by Sleeping With Sirens. Holy Moly was she in love with that band. When it came to Kellin Quinn she just "couldn't even ".

But, while jamming out, she slipped and hit her head on the bath tub tube-faucet thingy; completely ruining her 'good-day' vibe.

When she finished showering, she dressed in a pair of blue skinnies as well as a comfortable white long-sleeve. She decided on wearing her favorite pair of converse--the originals (I'm pretty sure black .nd white are the originals) Why? Because Stella Arcamedes was original. Stella--unlike most seventeen-year-olds -- doesn't wear make-up. Es nasssssty (no offense to people who wear make-up). She did a side braid, topping it off with a small white bow, feeling cute. She put on her signature leather jacket, and walked out of her room.

Thomas was once again dressed nicely, clad in a plaid button-down and khakis, his hair in the same neat quiff.

"Well, where are you going?" She asked, her hands making their way onto her hips.

"Uh...school?" He replied.

"Why are you dressed so nicely, Thomas?" She asked.

"Nicely dressed?" He asked.

She looked at him skeptically.

"Are you serious right now? Look at you! " she said, going to fix his collar.

"Ok, ok; there's this really cute girl..." he said, swatting her hands away.

"Awwww! My little Tommy's all grown up!" She cooed.

"Eww, stop it; you sound like mom."

She immediately stopped, cringing.

"Whatever" she said, walking towards the door. She grabbed her bookbag on her way out, not waiting on Thomas.


Yassss baes! You have met my besties. They all act exactly as I wrote. Well, actually, my description of their personalities didn't do them justice. They're so much better.

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