You think he forgot-Luke

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Type: Luke Hemmings imagine

Pairing: Luke/reader (referred to as ‘you’)

Word count: 775

Requested?: no

You pushed your stiff body upright in bed, shoving the plush white covers forward, and raised your arms up in the air, letting out a loud yawn as you stretched. The bright, morning sunshine shone through the full windows on the other side of the bedroom, filling the room with a comfortable warmth. You smiled and shook your head in disbelief, suddenly remembering the significance of the day. It seemed almost crazy that on this day exactly a year ago, the most amazing boy you had ever met asked you out. 

Luke was still under the covers, his face comfortably buried in a mass of pillows. You playfully punched him in the shoulder, trying to wake him up. 

“Luke. Luke?” you pestered, poking him harder and giggling with each grumpy face he made from within the pillows. “Do you know what day it is?” you asked with a shy smile. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and grabbing the alarm clock from the nightstand. 

“Yes!” he yelled, leaping out of bed and tugging on the first pair of pants he saw. “It’s recording day and I’m late!” Pulling on a ripped t-shirt as fast as he could and grabbing his guitar case from the corner, he raced around the room and out the door. 

“Bye! I’ll see you later, love you!” he called as he slammed the door. The slam of the door shook the house, sending a jolt of disbelief throughout your body. 

“He forgot. He really forgot…” you muttered, trying miserably to hold back a rush of tears. 

The day dragged on with no sign of Luke. He didn’t call in the afternoon to ask how your day was going like he normally did, or even text you to ask if you wanted to have lunch together. Luke was one of the most thoughtful people you knew, so why had he forgotten such an important day? 

By the time 7:00 rolled around and he still wasn’t home, you began to feel angry. It wasn’t fair that you wouldn’t even get to have dinner with him, whether he remembered what day it was or not. 

Just then your phone rang, the caller-ID photo showing a blue-eyed boy with a perfect smile. You angrily reached for the phone, pressing the green button. 

“Hello?” you answered grumpily. 

“Woah there, what happened to you?” he asked with a chuckle. “Did someone forget to take their happy pill this morning?”

“No, Luke” you scoffed, angry that he was making light of a situation that seemed so obvious to you. 

“Then what’s going on?” he asked understandingly, you could hear the crunch of gravel from the other end. 

“God  Luke, today is our one year anniversary and you forgot! I waited all day for you to call me and say that you were kidding that you forgot or something but you really did. I thought this day meant something to you…” you yelled angrily into the receiver, pacing around your living room. 

“It does!” he pleaded, “I’m outside, just come out here and talk to me,” he said softly, and hung up. You aggressively threw on a pair of shoes and slammed the back door. 

“He has one more chance…” you thought to yourself, pushing back more tears, but before you could make it far enough to give him a piece of your mind, a pathway lit by tiny light bulbs was right before you.

You slowly crept down the path, unsure of where it led, the gravel of the pathway crunching beneath your feet. You turned a corner, and was suddenly face to face with Luke, who was standing in front of a million little candles. 

“Luke I-” you stammered, but he cut you off. 

“This past year has been crazy,” he stated, taking you by the hand, and leading you to a wooden bench. “We’ve had our fair share of trouble with my tours and making things work, but babe we did it. And I think that we can do it for as long as we want.” he stated openly, a huge grin spreading across his face. He nervously knelt down on one knee and slipped a small red box out of his pocket, revealing a shiny ring. 

“So…” he stammered with a shy smile, “will you marry me?” You stared down at him for a quick moment, and then grinned. 

“Yes!” you yelled, leaping into his arms. “A million times yes!” He spun you around, kissing you on the cheek. The tears you had been crying all day spilled out once more, but you knew that this time, they were tears of joy.

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