Twisted Vacation

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A woman and her daughter in their backyard. The child, no older than 7 was helping her mother garden, digging up old, dead plants in the dirt bed lining the layered foundation of their home and replacing them with beautiful flowers of all colors, shapes, and sizes.

"Here sweet pea, like this." her mother demonstrated how to transfer the flowers from their pots to the fresh soil coating the small patch of ground. The child watched, nodding her head as the soft breeze ruffled her soft, black hair. As she followed her mother's example, her father's voice rang through the small yard, calling out.

"Darlin', there's someone here to see ya." he sounded nervous, and as the small girl turned around to watch her mother leave, she noticed her father looked stressed. His dull grey eyes were filled with fear, as sharp whispers were exchanged between the couple, and her mother walked inside.

"Carly hun, stay outside with daddy for a while ok?" the girl simply nodded, continuing the entertaining hobby her mother had taught her. She could feel her father's eyes on her, burning through the back of her skull protectively...


A voice called her name, her only response was a grunt. She felt numb, unsure why she was being disturbed.


Whoever it was sounded concerned, a light tap on her shoulder coaxed her further from her slumber. The hybrid refused, growling a little louder, as if telling her company to back off and let her sleep.


"Why must you disturb me, I was having such a nice dream." Zya murmured tiredly, cracking an eye open to examine the disturbance. She would have assumed it was Danny, but it wasn't. Instead, Evan stood over her, hunched in an almost protective manner. Worry streamed from his aura like a waterfall. He relaxed, noticing she was finally awake. He shook his head, helping her sit up.

"You've been sleeping for hours." his rough voice rang through the hybrid's head as she rubbed her eyes, suddenly feeling very sore. "We were starting to think you died" a grin was evident in his voice, all traces of worry disappearing, being replaced by a playful tease. Zya scoffed, shaking her head with a smirk as she punched his arm lightly. A dull pain hit her shoulder, travelling down her back. A groan escaped her throat whilst she reached a hand back, feeling for the wound.

Oh that's right...

The memories of her previous adventure whizzed through her mind, almost painfully. The broken wing, which had now been casted and bound to her shoulder, reminded her of the fight she'd been in. Zya figured the entity would heal it, it healed survivors after every trial - stab and slash wounds would be mended into scars after every trial, while dislocations and breaks would cease to exist at all. Though it seemed a bit biased on the Entity's part, the hybrid supposed it was only fair, considering survivors needed to be ready for the next trial with minimal preparation. She sighed, feeling very moody all of a sudden. She stood up, thankfully with ease, considering all her injuries were upper body.

"Where's Sally?"


Zya huffed moodily, earning a chuckle from Evan as she walked off. She wanted to thank Sally face to face for tending to her wounds, the nurse did quite a bit of work where the eldritch being did not, tending to wounds other killers recieved from trials, though wounds were fairly uncommon. A typical decisive strike here and there, occasional headaches from pallet drops. Sure the killers were tough, but they weren't invincible. Examining the glade most killers gathered in, it seemed as though most were either in a trial or most likely hanging out in their own domain.

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