Chapter 3

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The morning slowly came as the sun started to shine. Y/N slowly started to wake up as he started to get up.

Y/N: Man mornings suck sometimes. *Yawns* Though I rather be sleeping on a bed. Can't complain much seeing the shit hole I'm in.

He spooked over to Raphtalia seeing that she was still sound asleep.

Y/N: I'll let her rest for a bit more while I'll get some food.

He left her to sleep a bit more as he went to get some fish from the river nearby. Luckily he was able to pick up a few things back in his world how to catch fish with just his hands, although it would be a bit of a challenge for him since this would be his first time doing it.
However, he was able to get some fish after failing a few times as he returned to the camp. Once he got enough fish, he went back to camp and saw Raphtalia was starting to wake up.

Y/N: Looks like your awake, you had enough sleep?

Raphtalia: Y-yes sir.

Y/N: Good to hear. I brought some fish for us to eat. Once we're done eating, we'll do some leveling up and gathering. Alright?

Raphtalia: Yes sir.

They started a fire as they cooked the fish. After they finished cooking the food and eating it, they went to find monsters to level up. Most of the monsters they encountered were balloons but some of them were blue slime which was about the same level. They did this for a while as Raphtalia was able to take care of them with no problem. During that time, they gathered plenty of items and herbs which was good for them.

With the items they gathered, they went back to town and went to a shop keeper to sell the items they gathered. In total, they earned about 4 silver and 25 coppers which didn't Y/N. Through his eyes, any money he would get would be enough for him to survive on. He still had a good amount of potions on hand so he decided to find a store that sells potions seeing how much he would earn for them. It took some time to find the store but he was able to find it.

Y/N: Just wait here Raphtalia. I'll be right back alright?

Raphtalia: OK.

He walked into the store and saw someone was behind the counter.

Clerk: Hello, what can I do for you today Sir hero?

Y/N: I was wonder if you would be interested in some medicine I crafted. Though they are not the best.

Clerk: Medicine you say? How many do you have?

Y/N: Well this is how much I have right now.

He summoned all his potions on the counter as the Clerk was amazed to see them. He picked up one of the potions and examined it.

Clerk: This is very impressive if I do say so myself. Are you well versed in making medicine Sir Hero?

Y/N: Actually this is my first time making medicine. Apologize if they're not the best.

Clerk: No not at all. This what you made is truly something remarkable to see.

Y/N: So which is more profitable, medicine or the herbs. Though if I had to guess, you would pay more for the medicine correct?

Clerk: Yes that's correct. After the first wave, medicine has been flying off the shelves lately. So, I'll pay more for your medicine than your herbs.

Y/N: I see.

Clerk: In total with all this medicine you brought me, this is worth 10 silvers.

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