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"i think you should stay, sleep over with us tonight."

"i dont think so, finn."

"vi, please. if something happens to her, i wont know what to do without you."

"you take her to the hospital if something happens." violets body rests in the doorway of finns apartment, eyes staring up to his pleading face. lunas small arms wrap around his neck as she stays asleep on his shoulder.

"look you can stay in my room, i'll crash with luna tonight. if youre just going to come back tomorrow for her birthday anyway-"

she sighs, eyes darting around her proximity as she thought it through. in a lot of ways, she knew better. but it wasnt just that; it had been two long nights since she had slept, and she was looking forward to clean clothes and her own sheets.

violets hand extends to brush through lunas long curly hair, hardly able to see where hers stopped and finns began. his cheek rests on lunas head gently, eyes still locked to violet in awaits for her response.

"i'll stay, but i'll sleep with luna."

"her beds small" he tries to reason,
"the two of you can take my bed, i'll stay in lunas."

violet quite literally couldnt put into words the way his eyes persuaded her. it had been years that she had gotten familiar with them, and still they were able to get what they asked. always.

"fine." she nudges him inside, closing the door behind them.

she follows him, passing all the stacked boxes taped shut down the hallway. his living room was empty, nothing but the couch left; the painting on the floor ready to be moved.

violet watches as finn sets their daughter down gently to his bed. she stayed in her deep sleep, exhausted from the long few days and the energy trying to breathe clearly took out of her. finn pulls the blankets over her, his thumb brushing her warm cheek gently before turning back to violet in the doorway.

"i have clean towels in the bathroom, if you want to take a shower?"

"yeah, probably should." her voice comes out in a whisper to match his.

"i'll leave some clean clothes on the bed, im sure that dress is starting to get uncomfortable by now."

"yeah, try two days ago" she laughs gently,
"thanks finn."

she finds her way across the hallway to the bathroom. unlike the rest of the house, it remained untouched by boxes, looking exactly how she had remembered it.

the closing of the wooden door brought a rush of memories to her. the times in the showers they shared, the toothbrush that she used to keep in the empty spot of the toothbrush holder. her skin felt so cold, naked in the center of the tiled room; she didnt bother fixing the goosebumps by putting herself under the water. the memories were too sharp to snap her out of her trace, not for a while anyway.

a half an hour passes until shes clean. she folds her dirty clothes and leaves them in a pile to the laundry room as she passes. a warm towel wraps around her beaded skin as she approaches back to finns bedroom. he sits on the bed above the blankets, his hand gently playing with lunas hair as she sleeps peacefully and he concentrates on his phone.

violets presence pulls his eyes towards the door. blood rushing to her cheeks at the lack of clothing on her, feeling slightly awkward although it hardly phased finn. it was something he had been so used to in the past, that he didnt find it out of the ordinary.

she quietly trails to the bed, picking up the soft fabric of clothes he had put out for her.

"its just, a tshirt and boxers. im sorry i dont have anything here for you." he stands, giving her a gentle smile before leaving the room.

her eyes flicker to luna in a sigh, setting the clothes back down to formally dry herself off and change into them. she wrings her hair out as she folds the towel on her head, keeping the moisture from falling to her shoulders.

she tried not to pay attention to it, but it was all around her, the nostalgia. the way the fabric of his clothes felt different on her skin than hers did, the way they permanently smelled and held memories of the times she had seen him wear it.

her bare legs bring her back out down the hallway, leaving the lamp on in finns room for luna just in case. violet finds him in the kitchen, putting bowls into an empty box within the quiet room.

his eyes meet her as she approaches him, chest tightening to see her in a tshirt of his own as he used to. he missed her, he wished he could see her in that state every night for the rest of his life.

"whens your move date?"

"next week." he tears his eyes away from her, continuing to pack.

"that happened fast."

"im just ready to get out of here."

"wheres maddie?" violets pale eyes reflect in the kitchen light as she looks around.

"dont know, i kicked her out."

"i thought you were waiting until the move?" her eyebrows furrow.

"long story." finn sighs, not willing to get into the fact that he had lost all his friends. and perhaps that was why he was so insistent on violet staying, she was all he had left.

he didnt know that violet knew, and she figured that out rather quickly. so she let it go, understanding that the last few days had been an emotional mess as it was.

"you think youre actually going to get some sleep tonight or are you going to stay up packing, psycho."

"just, trying to distract myself from whats going on with luna i guess."

"shes safe now, you know."

"no, i dont know that. and neither do you."

"shes got her inhaler finn, and we're both here so would you relax?"

"im sorry." he sighs, putting tape across the filled box and pushing it aside on the counter.

"do you want to sleep with her tonight? i can take her bed."

"no, really im fine. i know you want to be in there with her too."

violet nods, fingers tapping to the marble countertops. she was truly going to miss that apartment, it was what she had called home for years.

and the memories that kept flooding her mind that night, would be sold with it. in a lot of ways, it was closure. it was something she would be relieved to miss.

"you wont get any sleep out here worrying about her, and honestly i dont think i would either. we're adults, finn, i think we can handle sleeping with our daughter."

his conscious told him to insist that he stay out there that night, but every other inch of his body wanted to be with luna.

it wasnt about violet, it wasnt about wishing for what he could have with her, what he wanted his future with violet to be. it was luna, and the only way that he felt she was safe. next to him.

"i think we could both use the sleep."

violet nods,
"seriously you look horrible."

"charming" he grins, arm extending to nudge her back down towards the bedroom.
"lets get to bed."

1250 wc

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