Royal Chaos One-Shot

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Once upon a time, in a castle on top of a hill, there was a prince. He sat firmly on his throne, brushing his blonde hair out of his eyes. "For goddesses sake this is impossible!" He complained, closing the sudoku puzzle book abruptly. His name just happened to be Ben, and he 'ruled' a quite large town. His father, who he absolutely despised, was the king; and a terrible one according to Ben.

"Shut the Hell up, you disgusting child!" his father shouted moments later from the room beside the main hall. He must have been drunk again, Ben thought to himself as he rose from his deceased Mother's throne and padded softly to his own room. Ben picked up his pace when passing his Father's room, quickly making it to his own. His Father had always been abusive and he was in no way afraid to prove it again and again to Ben.

Locking the door softly behind himself, he let out a huff of relief and set the book and pencil down on the wooden dresser. He looked at the time, his crismon pupils widening in surprise when he saw it was past ten. Ben had always been good at keeping track of time or having one of the many servants send him to bed. He swallowed thickly; not used to being up this late seemed to send a panic through him. Should he go to sleep, or take this freedom while he had the chance? The question seemed to linger forever and he stood still in the middle of his room. His eyes danced back over to the clock, to see if he had just read it wrong. The chance was still available; for once, if he chose to seize this opportunity, he could see the town with the evening lights up close. Ben's head whipped back to the door. What if his Father caught him? Was it worth the risk?

As if their was nails on the floor, he cautiously made his way back to the door. Seizing the small handle in his hand, he twisted it slowly before pushing the door open slightly. His breath hitched as he peeked out into the hallway. Panicked eyes scanned the wide walkway, his body shaking at the freedom that seemed so close. The whole house seemed vacant, excluding his Father and himself, and he swore he could already hear the happy chattering of villagers despite them being so far. Ben stepped out of his room before sliding the door shut. Once again he froze, as if something would have changed. He let a sigh leave him as he saw nothing, quickly and quietly starting for the main door. He stopped mid-step, hearing a sound behind him. His pointed ears drooped and his mind raced. Was it his father or a worker? Ben's bright red eyes flashed behind only to see the worst possible sight of his Father's door opening. His Father would surely kill him if he saw that he was up and trying to escape.

Without a second's hesitation, Ben snapped back to his senses and gripped the door handle. Throwing the door open with great force, the young prince sprinted out of it and to freedom, listening to the screaming of his Father as he ran and ran. Some guards looked at him and called for him to halt. Ben kept going past them, not glancing at a single one of them as he made it to the castle gates. Any punishment by the guards would be much better than his Father catching him. Glowing eyes in the darkness whipped behind him, catching glimpse of the nightmare he called his Father charging after him.

Ben stared at his Father for a moment before looking at the task at hand. The gates were closed and were too tall for his liking. Ben looked over at the gate manager on the side, wide eyes desperate. Of course he was sleeping again, slacking off on the job. Ben scoffed and looked up, deciding it was the only way. He thrust himself up and made his way to the top of the gate as fast as he could. Peering through the darkness of trees, he spotted his Father, as angry as ever, coming right toward him. Ben, who had lived with the drunken man for years, already knew his intentions; he was going to knock Ben down with the baton he gripped in his hand. Fear consumed the teenager and he took what seemed like the thousandth chance that night, jumping down from the gate onto the opposite side of his Father. He looked behind him to see the man again, straightening his tunic as he did so.

Royal Chaos BenxJeff One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now