stupid icyhot

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*todoroki POV*
today was one of those days i really didn't want to get out of bed. i could probably pull of pretending to be sick, but i couldn't afford missing days, i had training to do, and i kind of wanted to see bakugo. i groaned and pushed myself off of the mattress. i hadn't slept well last night, so today i wasn't going to be at my best. i walked to the bathroom and pulled out my toothbrush and toothpaste. while brushing my teeth my phone started buzzing, and i answered without realizing who called.

"hewwo?" i answered, toothbrush still in mouth.

"gotta dick in your mouth or somethin' icyhot?" bakugo quipped from the other side of the phone.

i spit into the sink, "not as many as you did last night," i retorted.

"fuck you," bakugo growled.

"what do you want?" i grumbled, pulling my uniform out of the closet.

"oh yeah, old hag isn't letting me walk to school alone anymore. says there's too many villains going around and not enough available pros to help out. she's got the door fucking barricaded until someone shows up. you down?"

"damn. sure. i should be leaving in a sec," i yawned into the phone.

"get some more sleep, you look like shit," and with that, he hung up the phone.

i rolled my eyes at his nonsensical comment and rushed to get ready. i pulled my bag over my shoulder and walked downstairs, nodding goodbye to my sister who was finishing breakfast, thankful dad was off doing some pro hero work today.

i made my way to bakugo's and knocked on his door. his mom peeked her head out, and then screamed up the stairs to bakugo.

"IM COMING OLD HAG!" he yelled back, stomping down the stairs like a toddler who didn't get his way.

he walked out of the house, slamming the door before his mother good give a proper goodbye.

"you two like eachother huh?"

"shut up icyhot bastard," bakugo muttered, shoving his hands into his pockets.

we walked in silence, but there was something off about him today. he wasn't jumping around yelling stupid jokes about everything, or shoving me around, or even making eye contact when we did talk.

"what's up?" i asked.

"huh?" he questioned, seemingly snapped out of whatever daze he was in.

"what's the problem. you're awfully quiet."

"don't worry about it," he snapped back, failing to sound threatening.

i put my hand on his fluffy blonde head and patted it jokingly. he respond with a spark in his hand.

"oh don't get your panties in a bunch pomeranian," i pressed, pissing him off even more.

"fuck off asshole!"

"make me," i laughed.

bakugo grabbed my arm and lead me to a slightly wooded area near the neighborhood.

"oh what are you doing bakugo," i wondered aloud.

he lead me far enough to where we could see the entrance but nobody could see us. i parted my lips to ask what we were doing, but he responded before i could ask.

"listen alright. im not good at this shit so you're gonna sit here and listen. got it?"

i nodded, intrigued to what could be so important.

"you. i like something about you. i don't know what. but whenever i look at you i don't want to blow your head of so that must mean something. i think i like you. can't say ive ever felt that way 'bout anyone but—"

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