Decisions, Decisions, Decisions - Part 1

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Not entirely sure how this whole fic will pan out — I just started writing without an outline or even the idea of what would happen so if it's really disorganized, sorry about that.

The rain fell in sheets. Nesta Archeron stood outside under the fuzzy halo of a street lamplight, soaked to the bone. The night was pitch black; the moon hardly visible through the curtains of rain. The rain was liberating. It fell relentlessly, and Nesta tilted her face up to the sky to feel it splash on her face, soaking her clothes. She sighed a heavy sigh, her thoughts running a mile a minute– she had a decision to make.

Just a few days ago, Cassian had patiently and gracefully explained the connection between them, known as the mating bond. Nesta knew what it was already– she knew enough from Feyre that she could write an entire book on it. She loved her sister, but often the (repetitive) talks on how the mating bond just snapped got slightly irritating after a while. Nesta was happy to see Feyre overjoyed and would gladly listen to her sister's love story, but it was a little too many times she had heard it for it to be pleasant. But when Cassian explained it, it was as if she had known nothing about the bond. Whilst Feyre gushed about the bond, Cassian handled the talk effortlessly as if it were a normal occurrence.

Now, Nesta stood in the torrential rains, trying to make a nearly impossible decision. Thankfully, Cassian had made it quite clear that he in no way, shape or form would pressure or convince her to do anything–the decision was all hers. Nesta took a tentative step forwards, and taking a deep breath, walked in the direction of Cassian's house.

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