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Ive been thinking
They don't understand do they?
That everyone needs someone to praise them.

To look them in the eye,
Smile at them and say "thanks"

Even the strongest needs someone.

What if you just smiled at someone and said "good job"

I've been thinking,
You see they say that life's a journey.
Why not help others on your way?

Not to good with public speaking cause I'd start shaking
I'd feel my eyes tear up.
Maybe all I needed was someone to tell me I'm doing a good job.

If only parents would nod their head and actually understand.
Not just sitting there and acting like they listen.
It's like their looking but their not seeing.

So at least tell your child well done
For being them.
For holding on so long.

Extraordinary? Isn't ordinary good enough?
Just A simple "keep up the good work.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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