|17| End.

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Hello all, first of all, I must profusely apologise for my absence. I know it has been a very long while since I've graced this book with my writing. And for that I apologize. My hiatus was very long, but used wisely to gather my thoughts and regain my missing spark for this work. I hope you guys enjoy this piece. And fear not, there is a bonus chapter to show itself some where down the road ;) .
I love you all, stay sweet ❤


Previously : "I will see you again my love." the last words were whispered, as everything around him faded to white and then black.
The sounds of the birds and the soft winds were replaced by the sound of harsh wind. And a woman crying. He could taste the salt of her tears.



It was then, when London and her brother arrived. James' eyes immediately snap towards Kimberly and back to Andrew. He was facing away from them both, to busy wrapped up in what ever garbage he was spewing. London was quick to Kimberly's side.

London could hear the girl mumbling things under her breath, unrecognisable things that sounded a lot like; "Please," and "You can't,"
She was obviously in shock, and London would not blame her. She couldn't even look at Zach now, all the mattered was getting Kimberly away from his body. London wraps an arm around Kim's waist, she only just began to pull her backwards when Kim lost it. "No! Let me go! I can't leave him! Let go!" She shouted and struggled against London. But London didn't and pulled her away, all the while, Kimberly kicking and calling out to Zach.

"Such petty things, humans." Andrew murmurs coldly, smiling at the scene.

"You bastard!" James shouts, clenching his fists, "He was your brother!"

London watches as Andrew turns to face her brother with a bored expression, his eyes holding a cold fury. He slowly walks towards him, and with a brave face, James held his ground. Andrew narrows his eyes at this before he just stopped completely.

"Oh!" He says as though he just remembered something, he turns towards London and Kimberly. "Did you know, well you should know. The girl is with child," he smiles, those words seemed to snap Kimberly from her daze. She blinked at the words, pulling away from London.

Everything after that happened so quickly. Because suddenly, Zach was on his feet and lounging himself at Andrew. Everyone was shocked, especially Andrew--he was supposed to be dead.


Zach tackles his younger brother to the ground with a loud shout. The rain had finally stopped it seemed, but the clouds didn't clear away. Zach could tell his brother was surprised about his coming back. But right now, he could care less.

He sticks to his word: Andrew is his brother, and he never wanted to hurt him. But he has no choice, this is the only way it would stop, that all of his nonsense would stop.

"No. No, you're ---" Andrew floundered like a fish; he couldn't believe this. How is this possible?

Zach punches Andrew, causing him to stagger backwards and then quickly kneeing him to the stomach. "Death is but a road I chose not to follow brother mine." Zach says. Andrew had not yet recovered from his surprise, Zach knows.  When he did, he was quick to fight back. Throwing wild punches, none of them actually hitting it's mark. And Andrew grew frustrated, finally getting a hold on his brother's jacket.

"How! No one can survive that poison. I made so it myself!" Andrew shouts desperately, grip tightening as he stared wide-eyed. "You are supposed to be dead." Zach really did pity his younger brother, whom had followed a path so dark and lost his way. He sunk so deep he can't even be bothered to try climb out. Zach held his brother's wrists, holding him still before looking at his young cousin.


"Are you sure? Zach once this is done... "

"--There's no other way." Zach's voice cracks at the realization of what was actually going to happen here. "Just do it." he commands.

As he looked into Andrew's gold irises, he saw not madness there. Only fear and hatred, he saw the confusion of a boy. A boy so lost and alone, and Zach couldn't take it. He was breaking a promise, a vow he once made to his mother a long time ago.

He had vowed to keep his brother safe, to keep him straight. Where did he go wrong? How did it get so bad that he had to now break that vow?

Andrew's eyes hardened, and he smiles bitterly before saying, "Go on, James. Do it." he mocks, keeping his eyes fixed on Zach's, and Zach sets his jaw. He wasn't going to struggle, Zach knows. He's lost his game now, this was him, accepting defeat.

Zach nods to James, without taking his eyes away from his brother. With a solemn look, James pulls a syringe from his pocket and walks behind Andrew. "It doesn't have to be like this, brother." Zach made his last attempt to try and deter Andrew.

"Death, brother mine. Is a path that I willingly follow."

Zach closes his eyes as James sticks the needle in Andrew's neck and administers the poison he mimicked. Not a minute later, Andrew Carter laid dead.

"I'm sorry," James said, gazing Andrew's lifeless eyes. Zach shakes his head, "Don't be."

Zach turns quietly, walking his way back to a shocked Kim and London. The dark haired girl was the first to move; wrapping her as around Zach's neck in a tight hug.

Zach carefully hugs her back, feeling her body shake with silent sobs. He buries his face against her neck, breathing in her scent, "I thought I lost you," she murmurs sadly and Zach lets out a deep chuckle before saying, "You think too much Doll,"

She pulls away, and Zach smiles fondly, raising a hand to brush a bit of dried dirt off her flushed cheek. He searched her eyes, resting a gentle hand on her still flat stomach, "You are bonded to me, Kimberly Dale. I will never leave you."


A cloaked man walked along wet dirt, grass and dead leaves crushing under the weight of him. He was doing as he should, following orders: retrieving Andrew Carter's corpse. It's funny that they actually had the decency to bury the body.

The man approaches where the boy's body laid underground, and with a wave of his hand, the rocks move away. He tsked softly, tilting his head, narrowing his eyes at Andrew's body.

"What a mess you've made, boy. I told you --" he stops himself, realizing that the boy couldn't actually answer.

"Come now, who said your work was finished?"


Yes, you have once again reached the end of another book written by yours truly. In all honesty, this was a wild ride. A very long wild ride filled with a lot of procrastination. But that's not my point. My point is: Thank you, thank you so much.
Blood Moon was my very first book published here on Wattpad, in late 2013. Which pretty much explained why my writing sucked ass. Young and stupid people yet again.
But we've come far, to see this book re-written. And in my eyes, this version is simply perfect. And I owe it to all of you, who stuck with me and my always late to update ass. Saying Thank you would never be enough, but Thank you.


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