It's A New Despair

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I woke up... Or was I still asleep?

I put my hands around me to feel where I was... It was spacious.

I blinked a few times to make sure my eyes were open, for the room was pitch black.

"Hello...?" I uttered out, slightly scared.

"Hi...?" A voice not too far from me stuttered back.

I jumped up, surprised by the sudden reply I wasn't expecting. From the tone, I assumed the voice was a male.

"What's your name...?" The voice asked, stuttering still. Hmm... What was it again? "I'm... I'm Yui! Yui Kanemoto! Nice to meet you!" I said, remembering.

"I'm Himari Aki... Nice to meet you as well, Yui." Himari answered. I felt around, looking for him.

I kept moving my arms until I felt my hands touch squishiness and I heard a yelp.

"Himari?? That's you, right? What part of you am I touching...?" I asked, wanting to have an outline of the person in here with me. "M-my cheeks..." He whimpered out.

"Ah... So, if these are your cheeks, this..." I moved my way up till I felt something fluffy. "Is your hair...?" I felt him nod.

"Okay... And..." I moved lower now, I felt his torso, arms, hands, legs, and feet.

In front of me was about a 5"5, skinny male with short, fluffy hair. He had sneakers on too. Some sort of sweater, tight jeans, suspenders, and fingerless gloves.

He seemed shy and embarrassed from the way he squirmed as I felt him. I told him he had permission to try to figure me out too, but he declined.

"Maybe there's a light switch here..." I thought out loud. I tended to do that.

"Yeah, you're right!" I heard him get up and move around, possibly looking for a switch. I got up too, looking.

After a while of kind of bumping into each other every so often, Himari finally found a switch. He flipped it and the whole room lit up. We were in... a storage closet of some sort?

"Hmm... I wonder how we got in here..." I muttered. "Hey, Himari! What do you last remember before finding yourself here...?"

He shrugged. "Well... I collapsed on my bed and shut my eyes... Then, next thing I know, I'm trapped in this dark place." I nodded while he talked. I took a better look at him in color.

My predictions about his body shape were correct. His choppy hair was a snow white with teal at the tips.

He had very pale, fair skin, two, bumblebee yellow, eyes. His clip-on suspenders were black, the clips being two, golden colored, buttons, clipping to his, tight black jeans. He wore black fingerless gloves, had black nails, and black sneakers, with white shoelaces.

Last, I noticed he wore a white, turtleneck sweater with black horizontal stripes, and black pearl earrings, like mine, only mine are white. I looked at him very closely, taking in every detail, just in case I needed them.

He seemed to notice that, seeing how it was taking me long to reply to him.

"Um... Yui?" I shook my head quickly and looked at him attentively. "Ah, yes! Sorry, you were saying?" Himari nodded awkwardly.

"Hm..." Then continued. "Do you remember anything?" He asked me. I took a moment to think.

"Yes, actually... I remember being in a car of some sort, I'm guessing it was my parents, and I was staring out the window, covered to each tiny corner of dust and the trace of old, daydreaming of the vibrant and colorful thoughts in my head, as usual, the brilliant sun in the cornflower-blue sky, as if one perfect petal was stretched so wide around all the world hanging so elegantly above me..."

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