A Killing Game

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The question rung around and around inside of me.

"Who are you!?" An attractive girl asked with light brown hair up in pigtails and violet eyes, wearing a thistle colored ballet outfit. "Yeah!" A boy stood up with orange, spikey hair.

"I am Monokuma, your new headmaster! Or... Really, more like I'm going to be your new headmaster... Or not! You guys probably aren't gonna survive long enough...! Upupupu~!" The bear spoke with his high-pitched tone.

"Survive...!?" I gave a worried and questioning expression. "Oh, right! Forgot to mention... YOU ARE ALL A PART OF A KILLING GAME!" He announced with pride.

"Killing Game!?" I said and so did everyone else in fear and confusion. Except for Aikio, who was beaming just the same as before, seeming unfazed.

"You heard me! A Killing Game!" Monokuma repeated.

I must've been dreaming, right? I hoped so... But then again, if I was dreaming then was... Himari not real...?

I glanced over at him sorrowfully, hoping that wasn't that case... Hoping that maybe... We were dreaming together...!

"What's a Killing Game?" Aikio asked, seeming highly interested. "I'm glad you asked!" Monokuma replied happily.

"Step one, one of you murders another!" Monokuma laughed evilly. I shuttered at the fact he was amused by this. "Step two, we hold a class trial!"

"Ooh! A class trial!?" Aikio's eyes lit up with excitement. What was up with her...?

"Yes, yes, a class trial! Now, shut up and let me finish..." Aikio giggled softly and put her hand to her mouth, politely silencing herself.

"Next is step three, you guys interrogate one another! And try to figure out who the blackened is! Upupupu~!"

'Blackened'...? "You mean the culprit?" I asked, trying to clarify things.

"Yup, exactly!" Monokuma confirmed. "Step four, it's voting time! To vote who the murderer is!" Aikio jumped up and down, clapping her hands like a child.

"What fun!" She yipped. Monokuma glared at her in silence until she realized she had outburst-ed again, which didn't take long, then she quickly fixed herself.

"AHEM... Anyways..." Monokuma continued, though I really wished he didn't.

"During the voting, if most votes are correct, all of yawl live and the blackened receives a punishment..." Monokuma gave us all a dark smile that sent a shiver down my spine.

"And if we don't vote correctly...?" A tall, slim boy with long, silky, blond hair in a ponytail and orange eyes.

"Kekeke..." Monokuma continued, darkening his smile. "Then you all die...! And the blackened graduates...!"

"You're... You're sick!" The attractive, light brown-haired girl shuddered, fear swirling in her eyes and pale faced. "We would never participate in such a disgusting game..." A serious looking boy with stone blue hair growled.

Monokuma laughed. "You have no choice! If you want to live and/or go home... You must participate!" What...? We couldn't leave...? "What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Haven't you looked around!? Geez, have a little adventure!" Monokuma seemed annoyed having to explain what he meant. "I mean... YOU CAN'T GET OUT! If you haven't noticed, you're all held captive by a wall..." I was beyond confused with this situation I was in. "I was hoping that wasn't the case..." The stone blue boy said. "Huh...?" Himari whimpered behind me, terrified about the situation.

The serious boy turned to face us. "I saw the wall earlier while I was looking around... I had a feeling we were trapped here..."

"Good observation, Ren!" Monokuma praised the boy. The boy stepped away, taken aback by how the bear knew his name.

"How do you know my name, you fiend!?" Ren glared hard at Monokuma. "Oh, I know all of your names, Ren Adachi... There's Aikio Chiuta," She jumped up, cheerfully.

"Koibito Saiko" The tall, blond ponytail boy shuttered.

"Mairu Nikiyou" A girl with short, fluffy, cantaloupe orange hair glared.

"Akari Hora" Another girl, short, strawberry pink hair, yipped at the sound of her name.

"Hibiki Isa" A boy with crimson hair, tilted his head.

"Niko Fuiku" The attractive, light brown hair girl, teared up.

"Kazue Nagamine" A boy with short, white hair opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by-

"Daisuke Oki" Another boy looked up from the ground, with short black hair, violet eyes, and pale skin.

"Shunsuke Kasai" This girl with short, minty hair struck a small pose.

New Ultimate Use here

"Minato Kokoshi" He growled violently.

"Himari Aki" Hid behind me.

"Yui Kanemoto" I gave no reaction, knowing he was gonna get to me sooner or later.

Then a girl with sky blue hair nodded at the sound of her name, "Kuroma Sasaki".

"And Izuro Mori..!" Monokuma finally finished off with another black haired boy, but with lemon colored eyes.

Monokuma sighed in a sad manner. "Oh boy! Usually the introductions don't go like this! Honestly, I thought you'd all meet each other while looking around... But none of you decided to... AS I SAID BEFORE, HAVE A LITTLE ADVENTURE IN YOUR SOUL!" He then waved his arms around angrily, as if we were the ones who were messed up.

"NO WAY IN HELL WE'D PARTICIPATE IN THIS KILLING GAME!" Minato stepped towards Monokuma in rage. I held my hand out, reaching for him, worried he might get hurt.

"Ah-ah-ahh... I wouldn't try anything if I were you..." Monokuma cooed, making Minato stop in his tracks.

"Look here pipsqueak! Even if you did hurt me, you wouldn't do a thing for yourself except get killed..." Minato's eyes widened with confusion and surprise.

"That's right! I can't die!" Monokuma laughed. I shuttered at his sick laugh.

"What is that even supposed to mean!?" I gasped, tearing up now from the madness.

"Gosh, what I mean... Is even if you did kill me, I'll just come back!" Monokuma's annoyance came back.

"Now, let's just test that..." Minato grunted, stomping towards Monokuma once again. "Upupupu..." Monokuma seemed amused by this.

"Minato! Minato, stop! No! You're gonna get yourself killed!" I ran to him and pulled his arm.

"Ugh! Doll, let me go! I'm tryna save everyone!" He lightly blushed and rugged away. "No! You're gonna die! You heard the bear!" I cried.

"Hmm... I'll stop for a favor in return.." He smiled at me. "Fine, fine! Just stop!"

Minato sighed and we walked away from a Monokuma who seemed generally upset I had stopped him. "Aw man! Party pooper!" 

//Sorry, I had no idea what to add ^^"//

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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