Crashing ship

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Koke:(Rough) Crashing Ship:  Smoke was sitting outside releasing his toxins, or as it is usually referred to by others he was "smoking", when he was finished he opened the alleyway home door and closed it walking downstairs.  Smoke looked around and called out to Kefie.. Kefie rolled out of bed and rubbed his eyes, "Man, what do you want?" Smoke chuckled "I wanted to check on my favorite guy friend." Kefie blushed "dang it Smoke I'm all warm I was fine being cold..." Smoke smiled "Isn't that what steam does to a person?" Kefie hid his face and covered up in his covers.  Smoke went and sat by Kefie,  "Did I embarrass you?" Kefie huffed under the blankets "Yes, I'm just glad that no ones home..." Smoke smirked "Well if you have time to kill maybe we could try something..." Kefie looked down embarrassed and confused "Wh-what do you mean?" Smoke looked at him "I mean make some bad decisions, like teens do" he looked down for a moment and smiled, Kefie blushed "W-well I haven't done that before" Smoke grabbed Kefie and put him to the wall softly, Kefie made a soft yip.  Smoke plays with Kefie's hair "I've never heard you make that sound before." Kefie smiled "I've never made that noise before.. I-I think I liked it though." Smoke playfully slammed Kefie against the wall and Kefie yipped a bit louder.  Kefie kissed Smoke and bit his lip,which made Smoke moan softly.  Kefie chuckled at this as Smoke slipped his arms under Kefie's shirt and pulled his claws over Kefie's back, the noise he made sounded like a moan and a yip fused together.  Smoke smiled and started sucking on Kefie's neck which surprised Kefie at first but he started smiling realizing what Smoke had truly meant by what he had said.  Kefie blushed bright red and plays with Smoke's ears as both their tails wagged rapidly, Smoke tossed Kefie on the bed playfully after playing rough with one another for a bit longer.  Smoke pinned Kefie to the mattress and growled meaning it to turn Kefie on which it did, they ended up mating and Kefie sat up on the bed hearing the others get home. "Smoke clothes!" he threw Smoke's clothes at him, but he seemed dazed "What's wrong?" Kefie glared over at Smoke "The gang's home" Smoke looked down "F*ck man, I didn't think it would be that long.." Smoke put his clothes on quickly as Kefie did the same Kefie pushed Smoke out of his room and then jumped down onto his bed pretending to be asleep.  Smoke started to walk back to his room before Snitchy stopped him, "Hey Smoke, what's up?" Smoke tensed up and spoke loudly "Nothing! I-I was just checking on Kefie," Snitchy giggled "You act like I don't know what you did." Smoke turned red "H-how?" Snitchy smiled "Well you smell like a good time.." Smoke ran to his room grabbing some clothes and getting in the shower.  Snitchy went to his room and started playing on his phone texting some possible clients for his job.  Kefie made dinner and later that night everyone went to sleep, the next day everyone got up as per usual and Kefie sat in the living room.  Smoke went by him "So are we going to do anything today?" Kefie looked at Smoke "Like what?" Smoke smiled "well we could visit your mother or maybe go to school, it is the beginning of the week after all" Kefie stretched "Fine we can do all that today." he got up and got ready for the day.  Kefie walked to school and texted Smoke playfully 'You gonna slam me again' this text was accompanied by a winking emoji Smoke replied quickly 'Hell yeah!  That sh*t was so fun!' Kefie smiled down at his phone as he got to school, he went to his first period and texted Smoke again 'I feel the same about it.. So how about after we visit my mom?' Smoke started typing back 'Everyone will be gone, it's perfect' Kefie smiled and giggled at his phone before getting told to put it up or read it out to the class, Kefie quickly put his phone up, now waiting for class to end.  Class ended quickly and Kefie got everything together going to his next class, soon after another class he had lunch.  Smoke met up with him at the door which was normal for them to do, Smoke smiled at Kefie and went to their seats so Kefie could put his stuff down as well.  Soon they got in line, and Smoke started talking "So how's your day been so far Kef?" Kefie folded his arms a bit "Sucky, the teacher was being a d*ck" Smoke chuckled "How so?" Kefie huffed "He told me to read my texts out loud or put my phone up..." Smoke frowned and hugged Kefie "I'm sorry" Kefie shoved Smoke off "Its whatever," he sighed and they got their food going and sitting down.  Some Time passed and things continued to stay on the down low, no one really knew except Snitchy and they didn't say anything about it.  Kefie was sitting in class doodling as he had got done with his work, he started to feel violently ill and covered his mouth. The teacher saw Kefie and walked by him "do you need to go to the nurse? Or to the bathroom?" Kefie nodded and ran out of the room to the bathroom. Kefie threw up and went to the nurse afterwards, she did a checkup on him and made sure he wasn't lying to get out of class.  Kefie eventually got sent home and he walked out of school before lunch even, when it was time for lunch at school Kefie was already home.  Smoke got confused as Kefie wasn't there so he texted Kefie 'so where are you man?' Kefie texted Smoke back 'I felt nauseous.. and I got sent home' Smoke looked at his phone and frowned a little 'so what do you think you have?  The flu or something?' Kefie sent another message 'I don't know, it was odd.. it doesn't feel like I'm sick, it just came and went' Smoke started typing and discarded it before replying 'so would it be alarming if I told you that I may have slipped in a different hole...' Kefie's eyes widened 'You what?!' Smoke blushed a little and typed back 'um I slipped into a different hole... so I think you have three holes.. you know how double gendered people have' Kefie hid under his blankets and started crying.  Kefie has fallen asleep as Smoke came home once school had ended.  Smoke sat on Kefie's bed, he shook Kefie.  Kefie woke up and sat up tiredly.  Smoke smiled a little "So do you wanna tell someone about what happened?" Kefie looked at Smoke "like who? A doctor? My parents? What is everyone gonna think?..." Smoke pets Kefie "let's talk to your parents, take a test for it, then maybe talk to a doctor, Okay?" Kefie sighed "Fine" Smoke got up and picked Kefie up "We are going to talk to your parents now" Smoke smiled and started walking to Kefie's house.  When they got there Smoke put Kefie outside and Smoke started talking to Kit.  Smoke sat by Kit "So do you know if Kuro is double gendered?"  Kit spoke quietly "He is, or perhaps I should say was.." she froze up a little, Smoke looked at her confused "Was?" Kit spoke a little louder "He got sewn up when he joined the police force," she smiled a little "so why did you wanna know hon?" Smoke chuckled nervously "N-no reason mam.." Smoke went back out to Kefie and picked him back up.  Kefie whined a little "Smoke what's up?  You're being rougher carrying me this time..." Smoke looked at Kefie "We just need to get you home" he got them home and texted Snitchy 'So are you by any chance going to the store soon?' Snitchy had just got on break and replied 'yeah, why?' Smoke texted back quickly 'Just pick up a pregnancy test on your way back' Snitchy had sighed softly and texted back 'Alright, so who's it for?' Smoke growled slightly 'IT DOESN'T MATTER JUST BUY IT' Snitchy replied after a minute 'okay, okay.. Jeez' Snitchy smoked a cigarette and went back to work.  After work Snitchy went to the store getting some ingredients for food and snacks, buying a few tests and putting it under the rest of the items.  Snitchy went home and put the bags down in the kitchen, they went over to Smoke "So can I know who the test is for now?" Smoke sighed "It's for Kefie.." Snitchy looked a bit surprised "Oh okay, well I'll put them in the cabinet in his bathroom." Smoke just nodded and Snitchy put the tests in Kefie's bathroom.  The next day Kefie and Smoke went to school as usual, after school Kefie went and hid in his bathroom debating on taking the test, he texted Smoke 'dude I don't know what to do..' Smoke texted back 'are you going to take the test?' Kefie whined and slumped against the wall 'yes, but I'm not happy about it...' Kefie went and took the test waiting in the bathroom until the answer showed up, Kefie teared up "Positive... How do I tell everyone.. T-That it's positive" he hit the door and cried.  Kefie was shaking, he took some pictures of it and threw it away right after covering it up.  Kefie went straight to bed,  Smoke made dinner that night.  In the morning Smoke got up and sat on the couch, Kefie slowly came out of his room and sat by Smoke.  Smoke looked at Kefie a bit concerned "So what happened last night?  You just went to sleep..." Kefie sighed "I don't wanna talk about it.. I'll send you pictures of the results. I just don't wanna say it" he got up and got ready for the day, sending Smoke the pictures soon after.  Smoke went over to Kefie "Have.. Have you told your parents yet?"  Kefie shook his head and looked down.  Smoke went and hugged Kefie "I'll be here the whole time, we can even tell them together if you want.  Okay?" Kefie nodded and they went to school as normal but Kefie fell asleep twice during the school day, almost getting sent to the office for it.  Kefie tried to act like nothing was wrong but people knew something was up.  Smoke had waited for Kefie as always and when they sat at their seats Smoke spoke "What's the plan?" Kefie looked at Smoke and sighed "I don't have one this time.." Smoke looked a little concerned now and just waited for the day to end so they could talk about the situation more.  When they got home Smoke sat down with Kefie, Smoke sighed softly "I think we should tell Kit" Kefie kind of glared at Smoke "Why would we tell my mom?" Smoke pets Kefie "Because she'll understand.." Kefie sighed and texted his mother the pregnancy test results and she started typing 'Is that real? And is it yours?' Kefie replied 'yes and yes...' Kit texted back 'I will help you the best I can then sweetie' Kefie smiled a little and put his phone down.  Kefie told Smoke he was heading to bed again and went to sleep.  When Kefie got up he looked at himself in the mirror, he pulled his shirt down a bit to show what his stomach would look like in slightly tighter clothing, he realized he couldn't see his ribs hardly at all anymore "I'm chubby.." he mumbled and went in his room putting on looser clothing which looked baggy "This looks okay" he sat down on his bed.

KokeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora