Sick visit (Part 1/2)

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Hello everyone, 

I've never posted anything until now so, I guess this is my first official post. However, I am writing another story (longer) with Kazuya Miyuki right now. I started writing this because I wanted to write a quick oneshot but it seems like I can't stop writing. T_T Idk how to stop. Although I haven't really written anything like this before, I'm enjoying it very much and I hope you guys enjoy reading this as well. Please feel free to leave comments and feedback. This is my first story that I have posted so, please go easy on me.

P.S. I do not own any of the characters in this story. It belongs to the creators of the anime, manga, etc. All the pictures used here are screenshots from the anime.


It has been almost over a year since you last saw Kazuya. You and him are childhood friends but, ever since he moved into the dorms in Seidou, you haven't gotten the chance to see him again. When both of you were younger, your father was the coach of the little league where Kazuya was playing. You used to go to their practice and watch the games with your father so, naturally you and Kazuya became friends. Although, you used got mad when he used to tease you sometimes. You two have been very good friends until end of junior high. You guys still text each other whenever you are able to but, since both of you are busy with school and club, you two rarely have the time to keep in touch.

You wanted to visit him so many times before but you held yourself back because you secretly had a crush on him. You thought that if you saw him, you wouldn't be able to keep it to yourself. However, it's been a long time since you've felt like that so now, you feel like you'll be okay with it. This is a very important time for Kazuya right now and the last thing you want to do is burden him with your feelings. But, it has been way too long since you've last seen him so, you just want to see him once.

Thinking this, you send him a text replying to his previous message and also asking if it's okay for you to visit him for a day or two. It was gonna be the weekend soon plus, you had school off for a couple of days. So it couldn't hurt to ask. You were surprised to see him reply so fast. 

"Sure (y/n)-chan, just let me know before you come so I can arrange everything". he replied with a smiley emoji.

Reading this message brought a huge smile on your face and you threw your hands up in the air in an excitement.

"YAY!" you exclaimed.


You were finally here, you got out of the train station and noticed it was raining....."I had no idea it was gonna rain here...sigh. I didn't bring any umbrella either. well, It's not raining that much right now so maybe it'll be fine". you thought to yourself.

Last night when he texted you, you heard from him that he had a game today, so you came earlier than you were supposed to so that you can watch the game. He said the fall tournament game against Teito was today. So, instead of going to the dorm, you came straight to the stadium where his game was. However, the stadium was a long walk from the train station, and so you walked all the way in the rain. After getting into the stadium, you tried to pat yourself dry and made your way into the stadium. you found yourself a good seat in the front with a great view of the field. From the bench, you couldn't make out the faces of everyone but the moment you saw Kazuya, you could tell it was him because of his familiar body outline and the fact he was wearing a catchers uniform. Last you saw him, he was a junior high level player and the Kazuya in front of you was a completely different player from what you remember. You were watching the game while sudden winds blew in from the field, bringing the rain with it to your face but you were too busy watching Kazuya to pay attention to the rain or the fact that you were still drenched from walking all the way here.

You sat through the game until it ended and the players all went inside. You texted Kazuya saying it was a great game and that you almost didn't recognize him.

"Eh? You watched the game? Are you here (y/n)-chan?" he replies back very quickly

"Yeah, I couldn't wait to see how much you've changed so, I came early. You can pick me up after you're done, no need to rush" you replied back.

You made your way back to the front of the stadium and waited for him there. While you were waiting you heard your phone buzz, but you sneezed...and sneezed again. "Whew, I hope I haven't caught a cold". as you mumble this to yourself, from the side of your eyes, you notice someone running towards you. You turn around to see Kazuya running towards you with his blue and white baseball outfit and a duffel-bag on his shoulder. 

"OMG!!! Why the hell does he look so damn hot?!" you thought to yourself.

As he got closer to you, you ran up to him and gave him a big hug, throwing your hands over his shoulders. 

"Kazuya! I've missed you so much!" you say this while squeezing the life out of him (or you tried to at least). 

"(y/n)-chan, you're completely soaked" he says while you let go of him and an immediate blush falls on his face.

"Kazuya, your face is red. Did you catch a cold from playing in the rain or something? Or has it been so long since a girl hugged you? hahaha" you say with a smirk on your face.

"Omg (y/n) stop being so weird, you never talked like this with him, what's wrong with you stupid! be normal." you thought to yourself. 

"Heh...are you trying to make fun of me (y/n)-chan? I was planning on being nice to you but I guess I won't..." he says this while crossing his arms and looking away smirking.

"Sorry....I was just kidd..." before you can finish your sentence, you were interrupted by a loud voice.

"MIYUKI-SENPAI? WHERE DID YOU RUN OFF TO?" shouted a kid in Seidou uniform.

"Ugh that stupid bakamura is here" you hear Kazuya mumble.

"Bakamura?" you thought in your head while Kazuya puts his jacket around you. He then comes close to your ears and says "Did you forget that your clothes are wet too? Don't let other people see your body so easily, Idiot"

As he says that you feel an instant blush on your cheeks. 

"MIYUKI-SENPAI WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? WE'RE GONNA LEAVE NOW" this 'bakamura' says this to Kazuya and only then he notices you standing there and says "oh, hello I'm Sawamura Eijun" with a blush on his face.

You reply with a "Hello, I'm..." followed by "achoo".

"Sorry, It seems like I'm catching a cold" you say while smiling.

"let's get you dried up as soon as we can" Kazuya says this to you and tells Sawamura to tell the coach that he will go back on his own.

He calls someone and somehow get's a taxi to come pick you two up. You get in the car while he puts your luggage in the trunk and gets in the car as well.

Kazuya Miyuki x sick reader (oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now