lunar tides

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when the suns gold

gives its last flash

across our bed,

like a nuclear bomb

in reverse,

the moon stands above us,

white luna holding heaven together

supporting the sky,

you loom above me

dark over light

my body is your moon

holding heaven inside of us

night begins as

your body crashes slowly

into me,

my luna spirit

hearkening your deep ocean

I beg for you to unleash

a thousand floods inside of me

drown the world

drown us

drown me

with you

I am no longer


your waters move

in rhythm to my heartbeat

and sink the ghosts ships

that were clinging to my skin

your ocean is the pulse

of my silent pull

and as your tidal wave dissipates,

there is now a calming,

my moon sinks into its own horizon…

we drift together

into the sky, across the earth

you rest into me

dark over light

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2012 ⏰

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