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Zack woke up the next morning feeling like part of him had been torn off. He could no longer sense the familiar flow of Elyss' thoughts. He realised now that her constant cheerfulness had always augmented his and now without it, he felt cold and isolated. After his morning ablutions, he knocked on the Major General Taz's door. "Chief? You called for me?" He was answered with a grunt that he took as consent. He walked in and stood at attention while Taz stood as he always did; his back facing Zack with his hands clasped. "I heard you almost killed our sword instructer," he said without looking. "I thought I told you that the Spectres, even instructors were a close knit group. Is this a sign of your arrogance? Perhaps I should expel you. You have committed a grave offense." Zack nodded and Taz turned round to stare at him coldly. "Agreeing with me? Such insolence!" Zack shook his head slowly. "Not insolence, chief. I know what I did was wrong. I'm agreeing because I will accept it without any resentment." Taz blinked at him and felt a flash of anger course through him, but he realised that Zack's words were genuine so it gave way to a newfound respect started to bloom for this young boy. He grunted and returned to his position by the glass panel. "I believe," he said after a while, "that you are sincere. Therefore, I will not punish you." Zack opened his mouth to raise a question but was stopped by Taz's upraised hand. "Dewdrop has already appealed to me. He said that he was just as willing to battle to that extent and bears you no grudge," and he chuckled softly, "except for a challenge to you for a rematch. In fact, he praises your skill and ingenuity to adapt to the battle and find a way to incorporate your skills to suit the situation. Another reason why I will not punish you is," and he turned around and looked squarely at Zack in the eye, "Not everyone can be as accommodating as Dewdrop. Your actions will cause their own consequences and my leniency might actually be more of a punishment than if I had expelled you. However, I see a capable young man who stands before me and I wish you good luck. You may go." Zack saluted and left with a heavy heart.

To compensate for the absence of Elyss, Zack dived into his training with something akin to obsession. The three beginning months passed by without his knowledge. Dewdrop's words were serious and he trained Zack just as if he was another initiate, perfecting his melding of hand to hand combat and sword fighting using his own unique styles of fighting. Zack learned how to sabotage, how to find weak points in tanks, ships and the like. He could dismantle and rebuild weapons in a matter of seconds. He worked on his tracking and stealth to the extent that even in his white hooded jacket, he could hide perfectly in the cover of darkness and not even make a sound wearing bells. He was taught that the best way to remain unseen was to act as if he belonged. Therefore, a lot of his training was also learning about his habits, how not to learn any but also how to make false ones. He also learned how to put on accents and different ways of walking and also facial expressions. Zack was surprised at how much a person could change wearing a frown or a scowl over long periods of time. Just as he had to learn all these, he needed to know the opposite. He needed to know the numerous ways to pierce a disguise, to distinguish the false from the genuine. Finally, he came to the art of assassination. The secrets of the numerous fatal points in a person were revealed to him as well as the manufacture and effects of poisons. He made efforts to better his sniping skills and made his own ways to cover his tracks.

Unfortunately, all that Major General Taz had told him proved true. All his fellow initiates had shunned him, some in fear and some in anger, because they felt that he was emotionally unstable. The fact that the Spectres were a close knit group was a double edged sword; there was no immature bullying or discrimination that existed in the Academy but on the other hand, he was infamous throughout the entire facility. Older initiates and active operatives did not associate, even some of the instructors, one being the assassin instructor and that somewhat dimmed the pride in his accomplishments in that area. Still, no one could deny that he excelled in all that was given to him and some felt their disposition lighten from dislike to just and indifference. Everything would change in the weeks to come.

Yet again, Zack was called to the chief's office. It was barely the end of his probationary three months and Zack wondered if he'd receive an assignment. If so, the Spectre Corps was great in demand throughout the UGG. He walked in to be immediately assaulted by chatter.

"THIS is the operative you're sending, Major General??"

"Might I remind you he is emotionally unstable? Why he's still here is a mystery!"

"Say what you want, Admiral Kerkih, but his skills are astounding!"

"Yes, his stalking and assassination is excellent, but what of the skills we need for this mission?"

"He has shown great aptitude for it."

"Nonsense! He might end up killing them!"

"Why do you always have this vision of him breaking out and-"

"SILENCE!!!!" Taz roared and slammed his flat palm on the table. The room fell silent but the tension in the air lingered still. He waved at Zack to stand in the centre of the two rows of high ranking officers. He was surprised to see Tetrad there but he saluted to Taz and stood at attention. "Zack Ying," Taz began, "has shown marvellous progress and commitment to his training here in the Spectre Corps and as much as some are suspiscious of his continued stay here," he said while glaring at a few of them and they shifted uncomfortably in their seats, "I say with absolute confidence that no one can deny his skills in ALL," he said meaningfully, "the requirements of this elite group." Everyone sat silently at their seats when Tetrad suddenly spoke up, "I agree with Major General Taz. Even as we transported him to the academy, Vice-Admiral, now Admiral, Yohkin and I saw fit to instruct him intensively. He rose to the challenge and became more than what we'd expected in that short time." He gave Zack an appraising look. "Looking at him now, I see no indication that the dedication to his duty and cause has not abated. I, for one, am in favour of sending him for this mission." There was an outbreak of murmuring among the seated officers and soon, spurred by Commodore Tetrad's logical and confident words, a good number had followed his vote. A small but stubborn group held on his flaws and went against but it had no effect on the overall vote. Taz nodded. "The majority agrees. Therefore, Zack Ying is to be sent out after being briefed. You may stay here if you wish to witness the briefing but if you have other business, you are free to leave." The officers left, still talking amongst themselves. Tetrad and another officer stayed behind. The stranger was one of those who had opposed the chief's choice and Zack felt a little dread. "Alright Ying," Taz said, "Keep your ears sharp. I'm only saying this once."

"Your mission is to protect the most famous singer in the entire UGG: Genais Harfet. There have been numerous attempts on her lifeof late," Taz clicked a button on his small remote and a screen rolled down behind him and a picture of a flaming vehicle appeared. "The first, her domestic tranport vehicle was sabotaged. Her bodyguards managed to get her out safely. Number two," he clicked and a picture of hotel room with smoke billowing out replaced the previous one. "Her room was bombed. Also gotten out by her bodyguards. Number three," he clicked and the next picture showed a man on a stretcher. "Her stage was tampered with. One of her bodyguards by the name of Pelv was checking the stage when it electrocuted him. He did not survive." The pictures disappeared entirely and the screen rolled up. "The police force have gathered no leads and her remaining two bodyguards, Kelv, Pelv's brother, and Fint are deaperate. The Government has decided to send out the Spectres. Your job will be to protect her while others have been dispatched to investigate. She is currently on tour of the Juetan pland system so you will be dropped off on Juetan I. Make contact with the investigation force and they will pass you relevant information regarding her safety." Taz gave him a piece of paper, "This is her schedule so you can plan ahead if need be. Any questions?" Zack hesitated.

"No offence meant in any way, chief, but what is so important about this celebrity?" The other officer snorted but Taz spoke no less sternly, "Genais Harfet is a singer who is a steadfast ally to the Government. She is also an emmisary of sorts and our link to the common citizens of the UGG. If she is lost, it will be a sore blow to the UGG." Zack smiled determinedly. "Why worry, chief? There is no failure unless you let it be so."

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