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Everyone says you have to be strong, don't give up, keep going n matter how dark it looks, no matter how terrible it is...
Everyone gets his happy end, some sooner and easier, they don't go to fight at all and some wait much longer and have tho overcome more hurdles than anyone else... They have to fight much more... To suffer much more... Get through more...
So we should go on and on? Further and further no matter how hard it is...
But there are points on life where you can't be strong, you just want to drop the mask, you just want to have someone to hold you when you let everything out...

I always helped everyone to find their happy end, to become happy, to see the light in the dark and to grab it and never let it go again...
And what do I get out of it now? My own life is a shambles...
But hey doesn't matter, I should just go on like before, because everybody gets his own happy end, right?

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