Part 2: Let the Games Begin

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Chapter 6-Five Days ago, afternoon

"You're an hour late," Tonya spat.

"I wanted to hang with the reps," Lindsay was begging for mercy outside SoFi stadium.

"You can chat with the groomsmen and Bridesmaids later," Tonya retorted, "You missed our meeting with Cedar Fair on Gilroy Gardens."

"I didn't approve that meeting," Lindsay said, "We already have a Sesame Place off 805 and the city would never allow us to turn it into a Busch Gardens."

"They no longer wanted to operate it and needed more cash to buy Silverwood," Roy interjected, "It was a good price. Oh and the city just was a 150ft height limit."

"I've always thought Silverwood would be a good fit for them," Lindsay sighed.

"Well, the ceremonies start in 45, we should get to our box."

"You got a box?!" Grace asked.

"More like Roy did." There was a smile on his face.

Chapter 7-Five Days ago, evening

After 4 years of war and fall 2026-2027 being a wash due to a virus, the spotlight landed on America for the first time in 26 years. it was a pleasure just to sit to watch a union of nations, as the previous years events only continued to bolster similarities and working together over differences and political power that shattered the Korean winter games and sent the world into near total war.

The Lights began to darken and the show began with a band of adventures exploring the landscape of the Sierra Nevada and meeting natives. They were then introduced to other groups of explores, eventually leading into the Mexican War of Independence. However, that's where everything went south.

Three hooded figures appeared from the effects and 'carnage'. Some guards came running quickly, but the attackers had the upper hand. Off of Christine's first examination, she thought the attackers were female, but evidence would have to prove that.

The attackers disappeared as quickly as they entered, leaving all 70,000+ spectators and millions, maybe billions, more in their homes shocked.

"How could any threat be able to get through?" Julia asked.

"This place was guarded for miles around-" Lindsay said.

"It's Murphy's law," Christine interjected.

"If anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway."


"So now what?" Tonya asked, "Everybody is panicking and leaving the stadium."

"I don't think what Julia and I heard at the villa was a coincidence," Christine said.

"Let's go," Lindsay Whispered.

Chapter 8-Five Days ago, evening

They jumped down onto the field. Grace followed. Lindsay thought he recognized one of the officers who arrived on the scene.

"Alejandro?" Lindsay asked.

the officer turned toward him.

"Cousin Alejandro!"

"Cousin Alejandro?" Grace inquired, "How have you not mentioned him."

"Long story," Lindsay and Alejandro said in unison.

"Well, well, well," Alejandro said, "you are a cuz of mine."

The guys laughed.

"And this is Christine Winters." Turning toward her.

"That is I." she shook hands with Alejandro.

"Well, after all these years, I didn't think we would be fighting the same evil."

"Same evil?" Lindsay asked.

"I'm going to check in the visitor lockers," Alejandro told an officer.

"Come with me," he whispered to Lindsay and Christine.

"I'll get an Uber Grace, go ahead."

Chapter 9-Five Days ago, night

They went down the under the stadium to the visitors locker room.

"You think they're down here?" Christine asked.
"Obviously not," Alejandro replied, "you'd already know that out."

"You know about the Caspian Collection?" Lindsay inquired.

"Why yes, I am."

"And you never tried to reach us?"
"I couldn't, I'm undercover. That's why you never talk about me."
"For the longest time, I was radio dead with the rest of the relatives because they never got back to my messages."

"Until the last Holiwood Nights?" Christine interjected.

"Nah, around when I first met you."

Alejandro turned toward his cousin, "Look. I'm sorry this is how we are meeting, but I can trust you things that no one else should know."

"Does this have to do with The Getty Villa?" Christine asked.

"Yes. I am apart of a secret group that meets there. I was not attending their meeting, bu-"

"You saw that I was there?!"

"On the security cameras. I couldn't believe until tonight that this man could be my uncle's grandson."

"Just continue cuz," Lindsay moaned.

However, they heard voices.

"Looks like we can't talk anymore today," Alejandro sighed.

Lindsay and Christine quickly hid.

"Turner?" It was the officer from earlier.


"Did you find them?" the officer asked.

"No, but I was followed by a relative and Christine Winters down here."

"Well I want her off the case!" the officer barked, "Remember what happened to your last partner?"

The officer left before Alejandro could respond.

"Your last partner?" Lindsay asked.

"Go, just go."

Chapter 10-Five Days ago, night

Alejandro rejoined his colleagues, "Find anything useful?"
"Unfortunately none, Turner," his superior, Henry Baylen, replied.

"Christine  has almost all of them," Alejandro started, "she can help us narrow down what they still have."


"They all have special names, its hard to keep track. I have no idea how many I wrote down by name and not what they resemble."

Baylen cracked a smile, "fine. She's hired. Have her come to the Vermont Precinct."

"Thanks officer, am I dismissed."

"Yes. Good night Turner."


In the Port of Long Beach, Akron and Laila were chatting in an abandoned part of the warf. Decades earlier, Disney planned to take over a huge portion for Disney Sea. However, the public shot it down and became the project of The Oriental Land Company, creating the best theme park in the world.
"Like the mist, we control the pain the public faces," Laila said.

"You think this piece," Akron started, "is the most powerful piece currently in existence? Why didn't we have it sooner."

"Because it is that valuable. It's the anchor of The Order, no pun intended."

"So this is Scotia's Hook?"

"I told you it was powerful. Let the games begin."

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