hello old friends

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One day i was walking trying not to be spotted by the holy knights or anybody, i was walking into a forest and thats when i saw a big and tall green pig with a house of some sort on top, so i followed it till it stopped and dug into the ground so i hid behind a tree and watched then after a while of watching i see 9 people come out of the house and none of them looked familiar to me so i put my hood up and jumped into the tree leaves on the tree and jumped down and everyone looked at me.

meliodis POV

who are you and what do you want?

ban POV

i dont care who it is i want to kill him

king POV

whats your name

everyone else just hangs out by the house


go ahead try and kill me

*looks over at the other people and sees gowther and remembers*

ban POV

*looks at me confuzed*

meliodis POV 

* looks at me then at ban then at the others*



Gowther POV

*looks at me and recognizes me*


everyone POV

wait you know him gowther

Gowther POV

thats not a him

my POV

*takes my hood off and mouth mask off*

I'm a girl

everyone exept ban POV


*everyone exept ban hugs me*

ban POV



heya ban, its been a while old friend

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