Chapter XXXV: Escape Attempt

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The night falls as Sandra and Riona are say in their cramped cages, they have to crouch or sit there's no room to stand. Sandra was thinking about springing into action soon but to her despair an orc guard come over and starts binding the prisoners arm around a bar in the cage for the night. She thought it clever and annoying at the same time.

They guard soon has her and Riona's wrists tied up, unable to reach them back into the cage.

"What now?" Riona asks.

"I'm thinking. Amethyst or Hans are usually the tacticians." Sandra says in a frustrated whisper.

"Where's the dagger exactly?" Riona asks.

"In the waistline of my undergarments." Sandra says.

Then soon Sandra gets an idea after a few minutes of silent thinking.

"Riona!" Sandra calls out as Riona dozed off.

"What?" She gasps, snapping  awake quickly. 

"How goo are you with your feet?" Sandra asks.

"What!?" Riona asks confused.

"Your feet, can you grab things with them?" Sandra asks in a hurried yet hushed voice. The guard  is sleeping just a few feet away.

"I suppose, why?" Riona replies.

"I need you to try and use your feet to grab the dagger." Sandra says.

"I'll try, where is it?" Riona asks.

"On my right side, next to my hip." Sandra says gesturing, pointing down with her chin.

Riona scoots her feet to her left towards Sandra, her hand still bound around a bar of  the cage.  She slips her shoe off, and slides her red skinnned foot through the cage and gently moves Sandra's robe as Sandra gazes on with held breath.

Rioma pulls the waist of Sandra's trousers away with her toes best she can, she's searching with wiggling toes for the dagger.

Sandra giggles. "Don't that tickles!" She says.

"Who cares?" Riona asks back frustrated, her body contorted in an odd way just ti reach her feet around. 

Soon Riona feels the sharp edge of the dagger, she grasps it between her first two toes not minding the sharpness. "I got it!" She says excited.

"Shush you'll wake him!" Sandra scolds. "Just pull it out slowly."

Riona begins to pull her foor up, the dagger following tip first. With her unstable grip on it the blade tips as she pulls and the point catches Sandra's side, slightly impaling her.
She grunts with pain. "It's impaled me!" She says in a soft pained  voice.

"Sorry!" Riona says regretful. "Shall I drop it?" She asks.

"No!" Sandra whispers. "Keep going up!" She says as she braces for the pain.

Riona thinks it best to go fast a this point, she quickly pulls on the dagger. The sharp blade tearing a sizeable gash in Sandra side. Sandra tries her best to hide any scream that may come from her. Riona feels awful that she just sliced up her best friend.

However the blade is free now, dangling from Riona's tattooed feet.
"What next?" She asks.

"Put it up to my mouth, I'll use my teeth!" Sandra groans, the breath still gone from the pain of the slice.

Riona raises it up to Sandra's mouth and Sandra grasps it with her teeth, the silver handle hurting them as she clamps down. Sandra leans forward and slips the blade under her binds, the extremly sharp dagger cut tue ropes easily and soon her hands are freed.

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