Chapter10- Monarchy

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Forbidden Fruit

Ch.10- Monarchy

*Nephi locks up Nubia and Ammon in Siri's old room under arrest*

Nephi- Now sit back and watch how a real king works...

Nubia- You traitor... you are no king...

Nephi- (scoffs) You see, to rule with absolute power you need to exterminate those who made Egypt weak and vunerable. Bring those to power who can run this country with structure and enforcement...

*Neohi leaves leaving Nubia and Ammon in silence*

Ammon- This is all your damn fault you jerk! This is what we get because of your screwups, not to mention the freak accident you cased killing Amen, Kafele, and Naunet!

Nubia- My screwups!! That was an accident I did not mean to have them killed!! I did not know were roaming that palace at the time of that raid. I apologize for not ruling as great as Siri and Thema! I told everyone I was not cut out to be queen...

Ammon- Whatever! Now all we can do is sit back and  watch Nephi turn Egypt into complete madness...

Nubia- This is absolutely insane... we can't do anything?!?!

Ammon- No! Nephi imprisioned all of our staff and replaced is with his own! He did that to make it impossible for us to over throw him.

Nubia-What's going to happen,

Ammon- I don't know... it's up for the gods to decide...

*Nephi goes to the prison where he locked up Moahmed, Hanbal, Moise, and Pilis*

Nephi- Goodevening..... I need to see Moise please..

Moise- (steps forward)

Nephi- (turns to his visor) Take him and have him executed... lets see.. word on the street is that you can't swim, so... death by drowning... and Hanbal.. you'll be beheaded...

Nephi- Lets set and example and have Hanbal go first!

*Executioner performs execution in front of everyone*

Nephi- Lets this be a warning to the rest of you... Mohamed, you've been personal visor for too long.... I'm putting you as executioner again....

Moahmed- With all due respect your majesty I'm getting quite old and I feel I won't be able to perform well...

Nephi- I don't care.... Now get rid of Moise, and I'll be paying very close attention, you will also be a servant to me and tend to my every need.

Moahmed- (tearing up, grabs Moise by the hand) Please forgive me my friend for what I must do....

Nephi- (laughs) Such a shame, your beloved Siri would be so disappointed! (Turns to Pilis) you stay here! Don't try anything I will kill you!

Pilis- (swallows hard)

*Neohi goes to meet up with Husani and Nailah*

Nephi- Hello, do you want to know why you're still alive?

Nailah and Husani- ...........

Nephi- (turns to Nailah) You are one of the best medics in town. Quite the reputation! I'd expect nothing less from the spawn of Isis... anyways I'll need you Incase I get I'll... I'll have my guards keep a close eye on you! And Husani my personal chef and jester... don't try anything funny you two...

*Night falls and King Nephi is asleep*

Nailah- Hey Husani.... I appreciate you meeting up with me in private! Do you remember we used to come here as kids?

Husani- Oh yea I remember.. but before the guards come back, what's your plan?

Nailah- Ok so as you know King Nephi has gone way too out of hand and I have ideas but I'm going to need your 100 percent support! One wrong move and we could be busted...

Husani- You have my word!

Nailah- Tomorrow when the guards leave, go to the garden and trap that cobra, we are going to release it into Nephi's room while he is asleep...We are going to kill the pharaoh.. it's the only way...

*For the next couple days Nailah and Husani find the perfect night to end King Nephi for good....*

Author's Note

Things progressed rather quickly from an 8 year rule of Nubia to the take over from King Nephi. I hope you all are enjoying the read!!!

"You see, to rule with absolute power, you need to exterminate those who made Egypt weak and vulnerable. Bring those to power who can run this country with structure and enforcement...

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