Chapter 4

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Iesha sat and wondered how she could get Mary to understand.

"Momma, he isn't my brother. He is the most amazing man I've ever known. I've waited Momma for two years. Ever since we went to California, I've wanted him. When he broke up with Amy I was so happy, but when he left the country, a part of me died." Iesha looked her mother in the eye and asked, "Could you, would you give up Trent?"

Mary paused, "Baby, it's not the same thing. Trent is my husband. You don't really know him, and he's leaving in two weeks. Iesha, I don't want you to get hurt."

"Momma, I don't know what to say." Iesha answered. "Besides, we need to talk through our past first. I need him to forgive me.

Not knowing what to say, Mary stood and gathered her daughter in a big hug. She held Iesha in her arms and stroked her back. Briefly recalling all of the pains her daughter had gone through. She didn't know if Iesha could handle it if Troy didn't return her affections. But she'd be there for her no matter what.

"Baby, go get the popcorn, and let's enjoy this movie." Mary told her and the two women spent the evening watching Alex Cross and snacking on popcorn.

A couple of hours later, Trent and Troy came home. Trent and Mary went to bed leaving Troy and Iesha alone to talk. 

Once, they retired Mary and Trent talked. 

"Um, Baby" Trent addressed his wife as he gently held her close in bed. "My son has a thing for your daughter. How do you feel about that?"

Mary chuckled, "Ha ha, Well, he is not alone there. It seems my daughter is harboring feelings for your son, as well."

"He might be attracted to her, but Trent he can't forget or forgive what she did." Mary added. 

"Hmmm, baby. He's already forgiven her. He's using it as a smokescreen to hide from what he's feelings." Trent explained.

"Mary, should we interfere? I mean, they are stepbrother and sister, right?" Trent asked his wife as she snuggled deep into his embrace.

"I don't know Trent." Mary answered. "Honestly, if we forbid it, they'll want it more. Besides, they are pretty smart kids and Troy will move to Washington in two weeks. I say let them figure it out. But be there to support them when they need it."

Trent chuckled, "If my boy has any sense, he'll find a way to take her with him. After all, she is her mother's daughter, which makes her damn near perfect."

"You old flirt." Mary sighed smiling. "I love you. Now go to sleep."

Iesha walked into the front room where Troy was reading. 

"Hey, what are you reading?" Iesha asked Troy as she walked up behind him. 

"Nothing, I'm just reading a Sidney Sheldon novel. What are you doing up?" he asked.

Iesha sat beside him and exhaled. "Mom and I talked. She... Never mind." She stopped.

Troy chuckled, "Let me guess. The two of us getting involved is not a good idea. You need to be careful, right?"

Iesha was stunned. How did he know? "Dad and I had a similar conversation. It ended with me being warned to stay away."

"Right, maybe we should listen-" Troy covered her lips with his. That was all she needed as she melted under the scorching heat of his kiss. Troy lay back and pulled Iesha on top of his body as Iesha straddled his lap. Soon her burning core contacted the stiff member hos his body and she groaned.

Her hips of their own violation rotated against his body as the crotch of her panties, Troy could feel her heat

"Iesha. God Iesha" he whispered and the deepened his kiss.

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