Innocent Passion (Part 2)

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Alice analyzed her surroundings, looking up at the high ceilings, the ornate mouldings, the finesse with which the decor had been finished. It was almost as though the house had somehow birthed Delia, from its own beauty, as though she had been chiseled from its facade.
Delia walked purposefully down the hallway, her feet barely audible on the wooden though she were gliding, and stopped at the staircase, which in itself was beautiful, ornate and inviting in its elegance.
Delia turned and gestured for Alice to follow her through to the sitting room.
Delia walked into the open plan sitting room, perched herself on a small cushioned couch opposite the fireplace, placing her gardening gloves on the glass of the table.
The living room was bathed in a warm dappled light, that found its way through the thin voile that covered the windows.
There was a glass topped table in front of the couch, on which sat nothing but a crystal clear fishbowl shaped vase, containing a tight cluster of blush pink roses.
Delia motioned for Alice to join her on the couch, by placing a hand on the space next to her.
Alice, feeling a little more at ease, walked over to the couch and gently sat herself down, facing forward.
There was barely two or three inches between herself and Delia, who was sat at a fourty five degree angle, so as to maintain an open body languge.
Delia had placed one knee over the other and rested her clasped hands on top of them, the pale green material of her pants cascading over and down the edge of the couch.
Several seconds of silence went by, as Alice stared straight ahead of her, at the fireplace, not being able to trust herself to look at Delia, for fear her eyes would give away how she felt for Delia, especially being so close to her.
Delia leant forward slightly, placing her hand on to Alice's leg, just above her knee.
Alice instantly flinched, like a reflex she had no control over. Delia lifted her hand away slightly, then even more softly, placed it back down...her touch penetrating through to Alice's very soul.
"You are so timid sweetie...are you okay?"
Said Delia.
Alice slightly moved her head in Delia's direction, keeping her eyes low.
"I'm okay. Guess I thought I knew why I was here...but actually I don't think I did."
"What did you think you were here for...I mean...what do you think drew you to the academy?"
Alice could feel her palms begin to get clammy, as she held them tightly between her legs, unsure where else to put them.
She could feel Delia's eyes on her, her breath so close, Alice could feel her own hair very gently move as Delia spoke.
Alice mind was a jumble of words, and she was struggling to make them coherent.
But in the split second she was about to open her mouth, and let whatever was going to come out, come out, she could hear someone else approaching the room...a woman, surmised Alice, due to the recognisable click of heels on the wooden floor. They were slow, steady footsteps. The sound got closer, and whoever it was, entered the room.
She saw Delia turn her head to her right, to look over her shoulder.
She also saw a look of ambivalence in Delia's whoever it was, wasn't all that welcome.
A voice broke through the silence of the room.
"Who's this?"
"What do you care...? You are never here." Replied Delia.
"Being the supreme, it makes it my business. You don't just bring anyone in here."
"Since when did you care?"
Alice listened intently to the conversation going on around her...the word supreme spiking her curiosity.
Delia stood up, her pants cascading down her legs like a waterfall. She walked behind the couch, took this other woman aside, and began talking in hushed tones, that Alice couldn't penetrate.
*Delia whispering* "What the hell Fiona...fucking supreme? What the fuck did you say that for?!"
Fiona lit a cigatette and nonchalantly took a drag, shrugging her shoulders as she blew a curl of smoke from her lips, the cigarette rested between her fingers.
*Delia, still whispering* "that is about the level of your passion for this coven Fiona. Why are you even here? We haven't seen you for weeks...why now?"
"I guess I got a sense that you were about to fuck things up, by bringing someone in who doesn't belong here."
Fiona went to take another drag, but Delia flicked her fingers sharply, inches from Fiona's, and the cigarette flew from Fiona's fingers, landing on the wooden floor, smouldering.
"Is that you telling me off Cordelia..." said Fiona, with a tone more than laced with distain and mockery.
All the while, Alice remained sat, rooted to the spot on the couch, just listening to the hushed tones from the other side of the room.
Alice heard the click of heels, as Fiona walked from the room.
Alice caught the scent of Delia's perfume, as Delia walked up directly behind her, placing a hand softly on Alice's shoulder.
Alice closed her eyes, absorbing Delia's touch and sweet scent.
Delia walked back around, and stood over Alice, holding out her hand, for Alice to take hold.
As Delia looked down at Alice, the gentle waves of her hair softly cascaded down in Alice's direction...Delia's eyes smiling, and burning into Alice's.
Alice tentatively took Delia's hand, sliding her small, what felt a child like hand, into Delia's slim, elegant and ever so feminine hand.
Delia gently grasped Alice's hand and slowly pulled Alice to her feet.
Alice felt so small and child like, next to Delia's slim and graceful physique.
Delia took hold of Alice's face with both hands, cocooning her face, her long elegant fingers laid gently around her cheeks, touching her ears.
Alice so badly wanted to melt into Delia's hands, let her head relax into them...but she steeled herself, and strengthened her resolve, to resist the urge.
"I don't have your name, angel."
"It''s Alice." Stammered Alice.
"Well Alice...I would like you to stay. There is something about you, that needs to be nurtured to it's full potential."
"But.....I have nothing with me...none of my things."
"I am sure we can find you something, just for this evening."
Delia took her hands away from Alice's face, but continued to look into her eyes and smile at her.
"Come...I will show you where you can stay...if you want to of course?"
"Of course....I have never felt like I belong anywhere, like I do here. Was almost like an instant connection to the place, as soon as I walked through the door." Said Alice.
"I am so glad to hear that." Replied Delia.
Delia walked towards the staircase, and Alice could not help but let her eyes glide down Delia's slender back, to the curves of her buttocks, the almost sheer material of her pants only just masking the entire shape.
Alice followed quickly, so as not to get caught staring.
Delia began on the staircase, glancing round to check Alice was following, flashing her intoxicating smile. She turned back around, and Alice could not help but admire Delia's form, which she could swear was carved by the gods.
They reached the top of the staircase, and Delia moved to her right, turned side on and gestured with her arm, for Alice to make her way down the corridor.
Alice began to walk, Delia very close behind her.
"This room at the end, sweetheart." Said Delia.
Delia stepped in front of Alice, to wrap her hand around the doorknob, turn it and push the door open.
As the door swung open, Alice saw a small room, the same wooden floor as the rest of the house, a good sized window, also masked with voile...letting in soft misty light from the fading summer afternoon, with a modest bed on the opposite wall, covered with very soft, inviting, crisp, white bedding.
Delia walked in to the room, turned and smiled at Alice.
Alice stepped into the room, walking to the window, moving the voile slightly, and glanced down into the garden.
There, she saw a figure stood there, a slim woman, with short blonde hair and very dark sunglasses, dressed in a black mid length pencil skirt and thin black jacket, paired with black heels...held in between her fingers, was a cigarette with a swirl of smoke rising from it, into the summer breeze.
Although Alice couldn't see her eyes, she knew she was looking at her, due to her head being tilted up in her direction. She was sure this was the woman who had been in the house earlier.
"Alice...." Delia's voice broke through.
"Oh...sorry" said Alice, a little embarrassed.
"You can stay in here while you are with us. I will find you a few things you can freshen up with and sleep in this evening. We have a few other girls here at the moment...but I think tomorrow is the time to meet them, while you settle in."
Delia walked over to Alice, placed her hands back on Alice's cheeks, and looked into her eyes.
"You are safe here...I promise." Said Delia. "Now I will leave you to settle."
Delia let her hands slide from Alice's face, smiled again, and walked from the room, practically brushing up against Alice as she did so.
Delia took hold of the doorknob, walked from the room, gently closing the door with a very quiet click behind her.
With Delia gone from the room, Alice again placed her fingers behind the voile and gently moved it back, to glance down into the garden.
This time the garden was empty, save for a single cigarette stub squashed onto the beautiful, green, manicured lawn...marring it's beauty somewhat.
Alice let the voile go, it softly falling back against the window.
Alice looked over at the looked so inviting, and her head was tired, her body a little weary.
She padded softly over to the bed, sat down and instantly melted into the softness of the bedding.
She slipped her shoes off, shifted back into the middle of the bed, lifted her legs up, laid them down on the thick, soft duvet, and laid the rest of her body back, resting her head into the soft, feather filled pillow.
Her head sank into the softness, and Alice let out a quiet sigh as she gave into the comfort.
As she lay there, she watched the soft light dance across the ceiling, flowing in from the window.
Alice took her phone from her pocket, flicked to her music and found her favourite song...plugging her buds into her ears, she laid the phone on her stomach, and closed her eyes, letting the music drown her.

Alice opened her eyes, and for a split second her heart pounded, as she forgot where she was.
It was completely dark and silent, her music having cut out.
Slowly she realized where she was, and her heart slowed back down.
She removed the buds from her ears, sat up and found the torch on her phone. It threw a cold, bright light into the room. Alice turned it to try and find a lamp or something.
Finally, the light fell on a small lamp on the bedside table...Alice flicked it on with her other hand, simultaneously flicking the torch off on her phone.
As soon as she flicked the torch off, a very faint sound began to float into her ears. It sounded like.....classical music?
Alice strained to hear, not quite being able to make it out.
She turned her body so that her legs were hanging over the edge of the bed, feet just above grazing the floor.
She sat there for a second, barely breathing, so she could hear the music.
The music was so soft, it was floating through the air like a shapely, graceful finger, coaxing her.
Alice gently placed her feet on the wooden floor, it was warmer than she expected.
Slowly she stood up, and padded quietly to the door. Gingerly she took hold of the door knob and turned it, slowly pulling the door open.
She was greeted by a wall of darkness, the air so still...not even dust floating through it....the only thing moving the air, was the music, that had become a little louder, now her door was open.
Alice looked to her right, and saw a faint slither of light at the other end of the hall....seemingly where the gentle music was coming from.
Tentatively, Alice stepped into the hallway, checking that there was nobody else around.
Slowly, and as quietly as she could, Alice walked towards the music and the light.
As she got closer, Alice could definitely tell it was classical music coming from the room at the end of the hall.
Alice reached the doorway, where the light was escaping from, the music now encircling her senses.
She stopped outside the door, unsure of why she was actually stood there...wondering if she should just go back to her room.
Then through the sound of the gentle music, Alice heard what sounded like a faint moan...but not one of was definitely a pleasurable moan.
Alice knew she shouldn't be stood here, listening....but she couldn't help herself, she was entranced against her will.

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