Chapter Two

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  I ran on the branches of trees during the night as I slept on them during the day. I was three days in and transitioned from the town and forest. Apparently there will be a party hosting for the young princess' birthday. I still do not know of why I am to kill the Emperor's wife. The newest one at that! How many did he have again? Like twenty-three? Eh, I don't pay attention to history. I need to find myself a safe place to stay while waiting for the newly wed wife to be alone. I've checked many places and have not yet come up with a plan!

   Aha! I've got one! It's been four days already and the party is tonight. All that I need is a maid's outfit! I listen around and find an innocent girl that works there. I follow her home and slit her throat and leave, but not before grabbing her uniform. Damn I only have a day left! I get dressed into the outfit and sneak into the palace. I find the wife's room and hide. I wait for what seems like days until she comes in, a little flushed. At least she's not that drunk. I sneak behind her and position my dagger at her neck. She freezes. I whisper in to her ear, "Why is it that your own husband would want you dead?" Her face goes pale. Then she smirks.

  "You have no idea what you got yourself into," she said. Suddenly something sharp went into my side. I drop my dagger and shot my hand to my side and lunge over, knees hitting the ground. The woman turns away and grabs the dagger. She starts spinning it on her index finger and thumb.  A smirk appears on her face. "But I'll make sure that you will learn your place and why," she says. A shudder goes through me thinking of all the torture. Shit! I've fucked up! Well goodbye Kiba. I've enjoyed my life with you. I close my eyes as my consciousness leaves.


   I was pacing back and forth. It's been a day passed her due time. Where is she? "Uh, Kiba?" I turn to look at my third hand man. He was third since another held the second and Ryun was my right hand man or woman? Anyways his name is Ga-Ju. He has brunette hair that reaches to his chin. He has a little bit of a tanned skin and purple eyes. He, of course was a half yokai. His mother was an Onmyoji while his father was a demon. So he has a lot a value, but so does his superior, Jan-yu. Jan-yu is a girl who is getting married to Ga-Ju. She is an assassin who is an Onmyoji, Kistune, and half Miko. She is only a Miko due to her grandmother being one.

  "Nani, what?" I ask.

  "You all good? You act as if you've been kami-touched," Ga-Ju says. Little did he know that I am, but I keep that to myself. Only Ryun knows.

  "No! Ryun is supposed to have been here twenty-nine hours ago!" I exclaim. Suddenly Jan-yu walks in and sits beside Ga-Ju. She has long white hair and red eyes. She has fox ears and a tail. She always wears her battle kimono. It was like a normal kimono but you could move more freely and the end reaches up to her mid-thigh. Being an assassin, she wears tabi shoes. She looks up at me with concern.

  "Ryun-chan isn't here yet? Something must have happened," Jan-yu says.

  "That's what I've been trying to tell your fiance!" Jan-yu hits Gan-Ju.

  "Haven't you ever learned that Ryun-chan likes to get things done and over with. Never has she once been late!" Jan-yu tells him. I nod once again. Finally! Someone believes me! I sigh as we start to form a plan to look for Ryun.


  Ugh, Where am I? Memories fill my brain as I realise that I'm in a dungeon. Damn! I should've just killed her. I curse myself as I try to move. Suddenly the metal door leading in and out of here opens. A woman wearing dark robes comes in. A woman behind her follows. This girl is wearing hakama pants along with geta clogs. The woman in robes has a dark velvet veil over her face. Sakura petals are stitched into the veil. The other woman came in here and i got a full look at a knife in her hand. I started to struggle in my restraints. I see that my wrists are locked in  chains and the chains are connected to the ceiling, as is the chained collar that bores on my neck.

  The woman smiles. "I told you, you have no idea what you gotten yourself into," she says. Kami, if there are any looking after me, please help. I plead in my head as the woman holding onto the knife starts to heat it up with her mana. 

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