Just a Demon

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Author Note: Honestly, I forget when I made this. But I feel proud of it and so here. Feedback is accepted and appreciated and without further ado, one of the longer things I've written


Cain's POV

I hated high school. It seems every day someone is trying to fight someone else. Whether it's because they offended each other or because they simply believe they are better than another. I have gotten into my fair share of fights but most would avoid me.

They know what a percentage of my power can do, they don't want to see me pissed. I have one year and I'm out of this place. That's the only thing keeping me from leaving or destroying this place.

I sat in science barely paying attention to the shit spewing from the teacher's mouth. He didn't care, he knew from previous interactions that I am listening enough to get straight A's but not enough to care. The door opened and a new, heavenly, voice filled the air.

"Is this AP Chem?" The door opened as a new, heavenly, voice filled the air.

'Is that which class I'm in?' I thought before I looked over. She was short, 4' 11", with short blonde hair and blue eyes. She had a pink sweater and a rose headband in her hair. For some reason, I was swamped with an overwhelming feeling to protect and help her.

"Yes, may I have your schedule, please?" She walked up and handed him the schedule.

"Ah, Madylin, you know I don't like people walking into my class late," He said handing back the schedule. "But you have a week before I start to give you late passes." The teacher explained. She nodded and sat down in the only empty seat in the classroom, next to me.

Through the class I watched her take notes and pay attention to the teacher. Every so often, she would look at me before turning back to her notes. The bell ring and most people were out the door in a moment's notice. She calmly packed her stuff and left. I sighed before grabbing my backpack and walking out to my next class.

"E-Excuse me." I turned and saw Madlyn behind me. "What's up?" "D-Do you know w-where art is?" She stammered over her words.

"Yeah, I'm heading there now," I said before turning and walking to the art class.

Art was one of my favorite classes. The teacher, Ms. Lauver, was the only one who knew about my past. We walked mostly in silence except for when people would bump into her purposely and she would say sorry as if it was her fault. I almost killed all of them but I knew I couldn't not with her here.

We were almost to the class. Most kids had found their class or were running to get there.

"So, the runt has decided to show her face." I turned and saw one of the 'packs' of the school. They're packs because their all wolf but not because after high school they'll end up dead.

"Oh, no." I heard Madylin whisper. They walked up to me expecting me to move. I stayed still protecting Madylin.

"Move cunt." The leader said.

"Nah," I replied quickly. "I just don't think so."

He moved to punch me and I allowed him. His fist made contact and a sick crunching noise was heard.

He stepped back and held his hand. "You broke my hand!" He yelled.

"Did I though? Seems to me that you broke your hand." I gave him a small grin.

"Let's go." He said to his small gang before they all went running off through the halls.

"Bye. Come on Madylin, we're almost there." I said turning around and walking to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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