Dustin Blake

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As he answered the question of Aeris he was clenching his fists. I looked at him worried.

"What situation did I put myself into?" I asked myself.

"Since you answered my question, we can proceed into searching the person, Vin" Aeris said.

Dustin looked at him in disbelief, while I was there touching my chest with my right hand. We walked towards Aeris Computer Program Room and as we were about to walk in, we heard a loud thud. We looked back to see what's going on.

Dustin fell into the ground as he entered the room. I ran towards him and asked "Dustin?! Are you ok?!" I looked to see Aeris standing there, holding a sphere.

My eyes widened, I couldn't bare to move my hands nor my body. I was paralyzed. As I was looking at Dustin, he blocked me from Aeris, who was pointing his sphere at me.

I was shocked and confused! "Why would he do this?" I thought to myself.

My heart was pounding, unaware of what was about to happen.

"Aeris! What are you doing?!" I asked.

He looked at me furiously. He then asked "Now, Ariana, How can you see him?" I looked at him shockingly. "What?" I asked.

He was then casting some spell as if I was a Ghost or some evil spirit. I was in total shock. And before I knew, my heart stopped. I clenched my fist on the floor while my other fist on my chest. I was breathing heavily.

Dustin was quiet suddenly....

I looked at him in pain. I can't move nor breath. "Dustin... Get out" I said. He then looked st me blankly.

Suddenly. A loud crack came from the ceiling. I looked up to see what it was... There was a huge abstract circle on top of our heads! I wanted to move but couldn't. Dustin then took me by my hips and hurried over outside. And before I could say anything, everything went black.

I woke up from the sound to siren, my eyes were barely opened so I couldn't see much. I was trying to look for Dustin as much as I could but he was no where to be found. I was thinking maybe he ran away? Or maybe he was afraid to talk to me.... Am I really that horrible?

I then saw my brother coming towards me and asked me "Are you ok?!" He was so worried that I stood up and said "I'm fine. Where's mom and dad?"....."They're inside the house" he replied

I looked to see the house... There was a huge hole! It was bigger than what I saw on the ceiling before. I asked what happened to Aeris. My brother then, shook his head and said "I don't know". I knew he was lying and that he knew where he was. I was barely able to move. I grabbed his shirt, and asked him one more time "What happened to Aeris?". He then looked at me worried of what he should say. He then replied with "He wasn't found inside his house". I was shocked! What have I done?!

My mom and dad, came to me and hugged me. I was in tears.

I was afraid of what happened to Aeris and Dustin. I still haven't finished my task. I want to help him badly. I want to see him.

Then, everything went black.

As I woke up, I was in a Hospital bed, wearing hospital gown. Then, footsteps were heard. I was so afraid og who it was. Maybe it was Aeris? Or Dustin?

Then, the door creaked opened. I looked to see who it was... It was a stranger. He has purple hair, I guess Japanese. He was wearing a long coat and a turtle neck with black pants and boots. I looked at him suspiciously.

"Good Morning Ariana" he spoke in a mannerly voice.

I asked him what he wanted.

"I know what you've been doing lately..." He replied.

I got chills over my spine, my body was petrified as I heard his reply. "W...what do you mean?" I asked as my mouth was stuttering the words.

He then stared at me at my eyes for long. Then, he grabbed my arms high in the air. I was in total shock! "Who... Who is this man?!" I said to myself. "What does he mean by 'doings'?" I was so confused that I tried to shout out for someone's help.

"HELP!" I screamed out my lungs.

The man kept grabbing my wrist. I can see a red bruise under my hand as he was grabbing it tightly.

I tried to grab the emergency phone which was on my left table. He was staring at me furiously. His eyes were opened widely. My hands were shaking! I wanted to grab the emergency phone. I kept on reaching the phone until I grabbed it. And pressed the emergency button.

Doctors were running towards my room. They saw the man and immediately pulled him out. He the  said something that would literally give me chills.

"Ariana Clifford
You will remember my name forever! And bare the consequences! I, Min Austin Dimian Bradley! The brother of Min Dustin Davian Bradley! Will make your life a living hell! You've greatly ruined us. You are living your life to the riches! You scums! I will take away everything you've ever owned and you will face consequences soon! I will never let you off!"

My eyes widened....

M...Min...Austin?! The brother....O..of Dustin?! Does he mean?... D...Dustin... Blake?! Min... Dustin... Davian Bradley?!

Did I really make a big mistake? Or did he misunderstood me?

I... I don't know what to do....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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