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"how could you see my dreams?"

"It's called Tactile Telepathy. When I touch someone I can see all of their thoughts, feelings, and memories. The longer the contact, the more thoughts I am able to obtain."

"How is that different from telepathy?" I asked

"I ran into a vampire a long time ago that had the power of telepathy. He could only hear people's passing thoughts while with mine I can look deeper into their memories, feelings and hear every thought their mind has ever had."



"Yeah." we both chuckled.

"It is but it's very useful when I need to use it against someone. The downside of it is I can only read a person's mind when being in physical contact with them."

I didn't expect him to grab my hand. I looked up meeting his eyes. I knew he was searching through my mind taking a peak at every memory, thought, feeling. He let go of my hand and looked down smiling

"What?" I asked pushing him playfully.

What did he see?

"You have amazing gifts, Seraphina. You will make an amazing vampire."


Today was Saturday and I had the whole day to myself to do anything. I decided to roll out of bed, get dressed, and go downstairs. There was a plate of pancakes on the kitchen table along with a note.

Sorry I had to into work before you sleepy heads woke up but I made pancakes and should be home for dinner love you both!

Love, Mom

I sighed and grabbed a pancake heating it up and once it was heated I lathered it in syrup and scarfed it down.

I left the house and instead of taking my car I decided to walk to get some fresh air. The beach was only a 10 minute drive from my house so it wasn't that long of a walk. When the warm sand engulfed my feet I subconsciously smiled. The beach is my happy place it always has been.

With all these mysterious people and weird dreams I need a break. A day to relax and not be bothered by anyone. It was quick to come to an end when a familiar voice spoke

"You really like the beach huh?"

I whipped my head to the right of me where the voice came from and there Stefan was shifting awkwardly.

"oh, and uh, hi." he said with a small smile

"Hi to you too and yes I love the beach."

I began to walk towards the shoreline Stefan following close behind me I let the waves brush against my ankles ever so lightly.

"So, Seraphina-" Stefan was cut off by a tall man with black shaggy hair matching his black clothing that all contrasted with his beautiful bright blue eyes. I can't lie he's extremely attractive it's hard to take my eyes away from him.

"Stef! You just ran off!" He said hitting Stefan on his shoulder

Realization hit me like a train

Damon Salvatore

He noticed me standing there awkwardly beside Stefan.

"Who do we have here?"

"No one Damon" "I'm Seraphina"

Stefan and I said at the same time. Damon smirked.

"Pleasure to meet you, Seraphina. I'm Damon, Stefan's older brother." He took my hand and placed a kiss across my knuckles I couldn't help but to blush.

"Ok bye Damon see you later" Stefan said trying to push Damon away from me.

"Aw you're no fun Stef."

"so I've been told."

Damon rolled his eyes at Stefan then turned to me

"I'll see you later, Seraphina." He winked and strolled away before disappearing just like Stefan and Kol had

His words lingered through the air though I'm sure he only said that to anger Stefan. But I just couldn't stop thinking about him no matter how hard I tried.

I'll see you later


It was getting close to around dinner time the time mom would be home so I bid Stefan goodbye and began my walk home

"Hey Seraphina. Mind if I walk with you?"

Damon appeared completely out of thin air beside me. I jumped at the sound of his voice cutting through the silence. I stopped walking and held my hand over my chest trying to calm my heart rapidly beating in my chest.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you." He said

"It's okay and yes you can walk with me." I returned the smile

I began to walk again this time with Damon by my side. We walked most of the way there in a comfortable silence with the crickets being the background noise.

"Do you like Stefan?" Damon asked out of no where completely catching me off guard.

Why would he ask that?

A million reasons started running through my mind of why he would ask that but none of them seemed valid. I never flirted with Stefan. Yes he is handsome but I could never see him as more than friend.

"No... Why?"

"Good. Because I want you all to myself."

My eyes widen and my heart started to beat rapidly in my chest ready to burst out. Why am I feeling like this I barely know him. I look up at him and he had his ocean blue eyes fixated on me. My cheeks and ears feel like they are on fire. I quickly look away from him and fastened my pace. That didn't help as he appeared in front of me and I slammed into him my face hitting his chest. He grabbed my arms softly to keep me from moving.

"Seraphina, look at me." he demanded in a soft voice and I obliged looking up at him

"You will not remember what I said. I walked you home and we said goodnight."


He let me go and I gave him a soft smile and turned to my house walking up the steps before I opened the front door I turned around and he was already gone.

"Does my baby sister have a boyfriend?" Severin appeared behind me a playful smirk appearing on his lips

"Shut up."


Bruh my grandma won't let me go anywhere because of the coronavirus so I've just been laying around in bed writing and playing just dance LMAO 😂💀 but I made the smartest decision ever to buy AirPods cause why not (I'm not rich at all I just had left over money after paying my bills lmao)

alright lol I'll see y'all next Friday or maybe a little sooner since I can't go anywhere 💀

bye! stay safe! ❤️


Eyes on Fire ; Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now