After He Left

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👉Diane POV👈

"I can't believe he did this to Jay and me", Diane thought to herself as she got her 3 year old son "Jay" ready for daycare. After she was finished she got her self dressed and they headed out to their RANGE ROVER. She buckled Jay into his car seat ad they were off to daycare.
When Diane got Jay out the car and into the building the teacher pulled Diane over to the side and said:

Teacher👵: Diane your son's behavior has been out of control this past week.

Diane👩: What do u mean "out of control" it's probably the stuff y'all doing with him. He's probably getting bored, so don't EVER tell me about my son's behavior!

Teacher: I will not take this kind of tone I'll give u one more chance to calm down or we'll have to be directed to kick your son out of this program

Diane: Ok I'll leave right now but you better not come in my face ever again

After that Diane went over to her best friend's house to have a girl's day!


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