Blue Flame is the Name (Touya's perspective)

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When I graduated UA, I both gained and lost things. I gained my Pro Hero Liscense. But I lost my best friend. I didn't have a lot of time to talk to Hawks, because I was so busy working.
I thought Hawks maybe had forgotten about me. He was a top hero. I was a lesser known hero. I tried to get in contact with him, but for some reason, I couldn't.
One day, there was a large fire in Best Jeanist's agency. There were people trapped. My quirk would only make it worse. Hawks's agency was in the near vicinity. He should have came out and helped. But he was nowhere to be found.
People cried out for help. I would have to run through the fire. I knew my body was weak to the flames, but I had to save the people. I ran through the fire and managed to save people. I had to run back into the building to check if there were any other people left.
I ran back inside and called out. I checked everywhere for someone, but found nobody. I was making my way out when the building exploded. Everything went black.
I was taken to a hospital while I was unconscious. I opened my eyes briefly to see a large figure standing over me. I could make out a pair of red wings and large smile on the figure's face. I went unconscious again.
When I woke up again, this time going conscious, I didn't see the figure. I asked the doctor if anybody had come to visit me. When the doctor told me no, I was confused. The figure was as clear as day.
I was released from the hospital the next day. I tried my hardest to find the person I had seen. I was watching the NEWS when they started covering a new story.
"The number two hero, Hawks, has mysteriously disappeared the same day a large fire was set at the agency of Best Jeanist. It is believed that the pro hero was kidnapped by the same person who started the fire." The reporter said, standing in front of the ruins of the Best Jeanist Agency. I wasn't far from there, so I ran down there before they finished. The reporter spotted me and ran towards me.
"Blue Flame, do you mind if we interview you on the subject of the missing hero Hawks?" They asked. I nodded. The camera began rolling again.
"So you grew up with the pro hero?" They asked. I nodded.
"And you were the first to respond to the scene?" They asked. I told them the story.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement in the trees. The interview was done. I focused my eyes on the thing. I saw a large pair of wings. The person was looking at the ruins, smiling. I almost fainted when I realized who it was.
"Hawks...He...He started the fire..."

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