The New Land

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Izuku Midoriya is a quirkless five year old running from his bully, Katsuki. He never calls him Kachan anymore because of the day their friendship ended. It was the day after Izuku found out he was quirkless, as he was walking into class he was nearly beaten to death. His friend led the charge. Now he was running from Katsuki because he used the same color as him in his Christmas card. Christmas was tomorrow, and most kids had a break, but Izuku was forced to be there. Katsuki was sent there to make his life hell, this was all because of the principal's decision. As Izuku was running he failed to notice he wasn't being chased anymore. He didn't even notice he was in the middle of the forest. As he was running he fell in a hole, he landed face first and groaned. When he sat up he saw three huge nests, one had five eggs. A slightly smaller one had four, and one nest had a giant egg. As Izuku admired the eggs he saw six lizard bodies. When he got there he realized that they were dragons. He thought they were all dead, but one called out to him, "Young boy, you were able to see this. (The voice was very weak.) You have a heart of gold. Take care of these dragons, there is a book in the largest nest. Our age finally got to us. Take care of your family, I know how you felt at home. You have something better than a quirk though, you have spirit." That was the last thing the dragon said before it died.

Izuku ran to the nest and picked up the book. He went to work making a charm, weapons, and some armor. All the eggs were fine so he decided to sleep in the biggest nest. He had gotten up through the night to make sure the eggs were okay, and the night was rather uneventful. That was until he woke up in the morning to see all the eggs had hatched. He was laying in the middle of twelve dragons. He had made his way out and gotten the book to see what they were, (That's in the next chapter.)
(Fifteen Years Later)

Izuku was napping with his friends when he heard voices, "Hey, Izuku, get up!" Izuku woke up to Spark jumping around wanting to play. Spark was an adventurous dragon, he was always getting into trouble though, and the fact he was a voltage dragon didn't help. Izuku looked shocked and said, "Quick, get everyone up! We're gonna be late for the entrance exam!" After all of Izuku's dragons were up and fed, he put them in their crystal, and he ran to UA. No one had seen him in years, it wasn't like anyone really missed him. Inko looked down on him, and felt he always needed to be comforted. His old friends had made fun of him, now he was stronger than anybody, even All Might. As Izuku was walking he saw a brunette trip. He threw his shield to prevent her fall and it worked. He walked up and said, "Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's a pleasure to meet you." The girl blushed and said, "Thanks for saving me, I'm Ochako Uraraka." Izuku waved before heading into the building, but he didn't realize Bakugo had heard everything.

When Izuku got in the building he sat and waited for the presentation and sat quietly, until a stuck up prick raised his hand. He shouted, "You said their were three robots, but the pamphlet said four! Is this a mistake from UA?" The guys was shushed and given a simple answer of it was for no points. When Izuku got to his area he let Macho out. Macho was a very strong muscle dragon. When he came out he laughed and said, "Easy competition brother." The other competitors looked offended before Izuku was covered in armor, and his shield. A sword appeared in his hand, and he chopped the air creating a slash that broke the ground. Izuku got on Macho's back and was ready for combat. If you asked they would say he looked really cool. Macho was the size of a horse right now, but could very easily be the size of a whale. When the gates opened Izuku rushed in and started gaining points.

By the time the first round of robots were dealt with he had more than two hundred points. Macho flew to the top of a building and decided to charge up because he'd need it. During this a certain hamster was looking puzzled, his colleagues noticed, and a skeleton like blonde asked a question, "Are you all right Nezu?" Nezu sighed before stating, "I don't get it, how can the person with the most points be quirkless? Screw it, I'm sending the zero pointer early." Izuku had just got back on Macho when they spotted the zero pointer. Macho smirked and shouted, "Finally, a challenge!" Izuku hopped off while Macho turned into his giant form. While Macho turned the zero pointer to scrap, Izuku helped the injured. That was when he noticed the zero pointer wasn't acting robotic at the moment. It fired a barrage of rockets at Macho, forcing Izuku to return him.

It was him against the zero pointer, he noticed Ochako from earlier about to get squashed, and the zero pointer was looking at her while it did it. Izuku caught the foot with his shield, kicked the rubble off of her and shouted, "RUN!" She bolted and Izuku pushed the foot off him. His sword started glowing green, and he shouted, "I may be quirkless, but I have something better than a quirk! SPIRIT!" With one swing of his blade he produced a green slash that cut the zero pointer clean down the middle. Everyone was shocked, and the skeleton said, "Self sacrifice, and spirit. Both important things for a hero to have." When Izuku sheathed his blade he walked out, on his way he pulled off a piece of a metal light pole, and used it as a toothpick. He said one last thing before seeming to vanish in thin air, "Don't underestimate anyone, unless you're sure you know them, and even then, they can probably kick your ass."

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