Part 2

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The beginning of a new section of their lives. The second tide of summer hits. With Violette gone, the exes back, John missing, the peanut gallery looking for him, and Maggie stressing over her SATs score, what is really in store for these friends and who will wreak havoc on them?

Special from Part 1: Violette's Final Confrontation

Violette groaned as she put her sunglasses off. To her own misfortune, Julian walked in and sat in front of her wearing a plague mask.
"What the hell's with the getup?" Violette glared.
"It's fancy isn't it? Good old boss gave it to me. You could have had yours but you left for Paris six hours ago. Why are you still here?"
"You know what, Julian? I could give less of a flying fuck of what you're gonna do to me. You know what you are? You're a simp. A white knight. You're a defenseless coward, the equivalent to a real life keyboard warrior. All talk and nothing to back it up. How are you gonna push me out without getting your hands dirty?"
"Oh, how you love to underestimate," Julian put off the mask. "You know what? You're right about one thing. You could 'give less of a flying fuck' about what I'm going to do because I'm not gonna even waste my time on someone as worthless as you. Violette, you forget that I'm not the only one who owns you. I don't think the boss would love being reminded of the pathetic girl who she thought had the greatest potential in carrying out her schemes, only to realize you rode off her best friend's glory. She wouldn't love that would she, and you know damn well what she does when she doesn't love the way something goes?"
Violette gulped and tried to hold back her tears. It was as if time stopped and the only people still moving were she and Julian. No one could have helped her especially after she dug herself in a deep hole where no one could find her.
"Don't make me change my mind about that packet," Julian pushed the mask. "This will come in handy since I heard headquarters transferred back into the city. Have a swift ride out of this hell hole." He chuckled to himself as he left Violette alone.

A Glimpse of the Boss

The lady in the black hood held a bat and fixed her mask as her two henchmen walked beside her to the junkyard.
"Madame," her lowest henchman stood in front of her and bowed. "Our desti-"
"Get the fuck out," She pushed him aside. "I'm not Marie Antoinette so fuck out of here with your fancy manners. I need to be prepared with something so cue the music."
The taller henchman with the radio pressed play and some rock music began to play. She wielded the bat and swung it around like Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad and whacked all the lines of glassware that the other henchmen have put out.
"It feels so refreshing knowing that I can do so much more than Ms. Mayan's stupid mug with the puns on it. The headmistress is really turning in her bedside right now."
She reached the end with the large wine bottle taped with Maggie's face on it.
"This sure as hell isn't the first time I knocked her out either.."

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