Chapter Four

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If you told me I was going to have my best friend try to make a move on me WHILE I was ASLEEP, then end up fighting and finding out this girl, who I used to love but then forced my feeling aside so I can just see her as my best friend and practically a sister, likes me I would of called you crazy and walked away. But then it happened and now I have this RANDOM stranger dressed up as some cat and wearing clothes that look like my neighbors son owns.

"What do you want?" I ask annoyingly saw the boy flinch, and his ear...twitch? "Sorry. Been a bad day." I said a little calmer and crossed my arms leaning against the door frame and gestured to his weird cat ears, "Cosplay or something?" This boy just fumbled with the sleeve of his sweater and avoided eye contact with me and glanced at the sky every now and then. Another storm was about to hit and you could hear in the distance a low rumble.

"C-...can I come inside for the night..I don't like water" his voice was shakey and slowly went quiet. "N-no...not cosplay...real" He muttered. Real? I reached over to touch these so called real ears only to stop when he flinched yet again. Doesn't seem like a dangerous thing.

"Fine. Just until the rain stops" I stated and walked into my house, "come on." He seemed surprised at first then nodded quickly rushing inside and seemed to relax and seem less timid.

"So what's your name?" I asked closing the door.

"Mi-...Mumei" he quickly fixed his answer. Embarrassed maybe to tell me his real name?

"You don't look Japanese" I watched him walk around my home and look around, well not look just wander.

"My last owner named me that, It means nobody, or no-name" He kept his back to me when he spoke so all I could focus on is his midnight black hair....mid..wait wheres Midnight?

"Owner huh?" I start a random conversation as I look around for Midnight, "Are you a run away from something?"

"Something like that. I was recent tossed out a window though" My eyes widened and my head whipped to him.

"Woah really? Are..are you okay?"

"I don't know, I'm trying to figure out why I was tossed out and why someone would let me be tossed out" His voice seemed sad but he tried to cover it with anger. It didn't work.

"That's...I'm sorry" My mind raced of how anyone could anyone toss anyone out a window. What did this boy do to make that happen? Was it abuse? Maybe him running away was a good idea for him just because of safety reasons does he have anywhere to go?

I looked under the couch from where he hid last time since and didn't find him. I hope I didn't scare Midnight away into a better hiding spot.

"Mumei do you have anywhere to stay?" I asked while standing up and walking to kitchen only to stop and he stood at an open cabniet and held a can of tuna. "What are you doing?" His eyes went to the can then to me before setting it onto the counter and slowly closed the cabinet.


"You want food? I have something better than tuna...." I trailed off as he shook his head fast.

"I don't need anything I was just looking around and..and snooping around. Ill keep my hands to my self my apologizes." he stood there not looking at me as I approached and picked up the can of tuna opening it up and setting a bowl up for Midnight. "Wha..what are you doing?" I looked to him saw he was watching me intently.

"Trying to find my cat, I was arguing with someone and I think the loud noises scared him off, Midnight?" I called tossed the can in the trash, "do you mind helping Mumei?" I turned around only to be met with Midnight on the counter and a pile of clothes on the floor.

"Midnight?" I stepped around the clothes and set the bowl down on the counter then looked upon the clothes. "This is officially the most weirdest day ever." I picked up the clothes and walked out the kitchen looking around. Where did he go?

"Honestly its the scariest day for me" I whipped around and my eyes widened as  now NAKED boy sat on the counter holding the bowl of tuna eating it with his hands.

"What the hell is going on" I stated angrily and walked over to the boy who quickly flinched and set aside the bowl the boy who was suddenly a cat that dashed away to the top of the fridge. "Get down here and explain!" I shouted and tossed the clothes on the ground while grabbing the step later. My cat is a boy. Why is my cat a boy? A HUMAN boy it makes no sense.

Setting the latter down I climbed atop it and looked upon Midnight who is actually Mumei that stared at me while smushed at the far corner of the fridge. Damnit. Okay okay I need to calm down. So I climbed down the latter and grabbed the bowl.

"Mid-...Mumei come down please, and lets just talk about this okay? I'm sorry I shouted its just...this is..weird.." I sighed exhausted and set aside the bowl and walked to the couch sitting down and putting my head in my hands, my fingers through my hair gripping it. What the hell do I do? Its to much to deal with today..

"Can...can you blame me for being scared.." I didn't turn because I didn't want see him naked but something told me to do so, and I listened to it and turned happy to see he was at least wearing pants but then I saw his bare chest. Scars. Burns. Until he slowly turned and long scars across his back..whipped..

"What....what happened to you" I whispered and slowly stood.

"I didn't listen...and I disobeyed...but then slowly learned to do what ever he wanted without question."

"Your old owner?" I asked and his response was only a nod. What does someone do in this situation? I can hide him here sure..but things have changed.. will he still stay as a cat or be this human hybrid? "So what now..?" He set the sweater down.

"Well..for now im just gonna.." his cheeks turned red as he gripped the hem of the pants he wore then looked at me. "C..can you turn around?" Oh! I turned around and heard the pants being removed then didn't hear anything until I felt a brush against my leg and looked down to see Mumei looking up at me.

"Is that your way of ignoring situations?" I asked and he answered with a mewl. I chuckled and just plopped onto the couch and let him hop onto me and lays on my lap, "I have a cat that can be human and is laying on me, What a normal night huh?" I chuckled to myself and just layed my head back onto the couch and let sleep slowly take over me.

I feel this would be a normal reaction to finding out your cat can be human dont you think?

If you could turn into a cat would you use it as a way to avoid conversations or even  avoid awkward situations? I would.

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