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I woke up suddenly to the sound of screaming. My mothers, then followed by my fathers.
The hot tears were streaming down my face as I started running to their room.
"Mommy! Daddy!" I screamed.
"No!"was all I heard followed by a gunshot.
I got to their room and my mother  had been shot in the head. Laying in my dads arms. He was crying, I never in my life have seen him cry.
He looked up to me. I looked him straight in the eye. He wintered thebe looked back down at my dead mother.  Across the room there was a man holding a gun and laughing.
"Run Lilah!" I heard my dad yell.  I hesitantly but yet quickly turned around and made a run for it. Of course clumsy 9 year old me tripped down the stairs. I ripped my night gown on the way down but I didn't care.
I picked myself up and started running again but I heard another gunshot. Then I stopped and turned towards the stairs staying where I was.
"Daddy!!"I started trembling with fear, my legs felt like jello as I sunk to the ground. The tears in my eyes blocked everything I was seeing.
Then I felt to arms tightly wrap around me. I didn't bother fighting because no one would be there to save me.

1 year later

I just turned 10 about a week ago. It's been about a year since my parents died. I never heard from any other family members since I'm in this basement. Everyday here is the same.
Do my chores, eat, then more chores.
Nobody has found me or come close to it. I'm two states away from California now I'm in Washington. I guess I'll never see the light of day again...

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